
Digiparkki is a service for registered job-seeking customers, who live in Kuopio. The service is free of charge and it takes place in TyöNavigaattori (Asemakatu 7).

Are you looking for a job, but you don’t know how to do that? Digiparkki helps you to make your CV and job application.

Digiparkki is a group service and it’s organised accordingly:

  • Wednesday at 13–15 Digiparkki CV
  • Thursday at 13–15 Digiparkki Job application.

You need to sign in beforehand for Digiparkki. Ask for more information at TyöNavigaattori, Asemakatu 7.

When you come to make your CV, please bring with you:

  • Bring your work and study certificates OR make a list: Where, when and what have you studied? Where, when and what you have done for work? If you don’t have much work experience, list also internhips, volunteer work and similar.
  • Your email address and password for you to login to your email.

When you come to write job application, please bring with you:

  • CV or same information as mentioned above for CV.


  • Digiparkki CV: Wednesday at 13-15
  • Digiparkki Job application: Thursday at 13-15

    Digiparkki starts at 13:00, please be there on time!

Asemakatu 7, Kuopio

More information

Hanne Karttunen

Training Coordinator
