News Archive

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Welcome to Kuopio event 20.3.2024 at 15.00

Kuvassa vuoden 2024 matkailuneuvoja Mualiman Napa Shopissa.

Tourist Information guides serve tourists and citizens again this summer

Kallion sisään louhittu, suuri liikuntakenttä, jonka reunoilla on värikkäät katsomot.

Luola opens in August - but how to get there?

Gregory Crewdsonin valokuvateos, Alone Street, from An Eclipse of Moths series 2018-2019. Näkymä kaupunkiin, yksinäinen auto liikennevaloissa.

Another photography top name in the VB photography center's summer!

Väinölänniemi tennis courts are open again - individual booking now available

Vene vasemmassa laidassa, ja keskellä laituti, jossa seisoo kuusi henkilöä. Taustalla sininen taivas ja metsää.

Fisherman: get your fishing permits in time

Ihmisiä kulkemassa Kuopion kaupungitalon ohi värikkäässä Pride-kulkueessa

City of Kuopio participates in the Pride event in June

Teoskuva Reidar Särestöniemen värikkäästä maalauksesta Kaksi poroa laskeva aurinko ja auringon silta vuodelta 1975

Digital Art Festival Kuopio 6.-21.7.

Summer opening hours of Kuopio city services 2024

Summer brings changes to the opening hours of city services. On this page you will find information on the opening hours of offices, customer service points, cultural and sports services, […]

Kuopio summer holiday is Nice Summer!

During the summer holidays, there are fun activities for school children and families of all ages, both outdoors and indoors. There are plenty of free activities and events. For a […]

Registration for Kuopio Community College's courses for the next academic year starts 28.5.2024

Once again, almost 2200 inspiring and varied courses are on offer. For many, May is a month of spring celebrations and new beginnings. It is also a time to plan […]

Kuopio Art Museum is being developed by Australians

Kuopio Art Museum, which has broken visitor records, will in future focus its activities more on young people. In autumn 2025, the museum will open a completely new space to […]

What pisses you off? - meetings for young people 16.4. and 7.5. at 16.30

Kuopio Youth Services and Ohjaamo Kuopio are organising two youth consultation events at Kulttuuriareena 44 (Kauppakatu 44), where young people can tell what causes irritation in their lives and what […]

Kuopio City services Easter Memo 2024

This weekend let’s relax for Easter! During Easter, several city services will be open with special opening hours. So please check our Easter memo below for the exceptions that Easter […]

Anti-racism week in Kuopio 18.-24.3.2024

National Anti-Racism Week will be celebrated again on 18-24 March 2024. Racism is the discrimination of a group of people on the basis of their ethnic origin, skin colour, nationality, […]