Korkeakoski and the Canyon Tour

The Korkeakoski rapids in Maaninka are a popular destination for hikers, especially during the magnificent spring floods caused by the melting snow.
In the Korkeakoski gorge valley, there is a nature conservation area of about 35 hectares. The steep slopes of the gorge create extraordinary landscapes. At 36 metres, the Korkeakoski rapids are the highest free-flowing rapids in Finland. The flow rate varies significantly depending on the season.
Waters to the Korkeakoski rapids and the river Korkeakoskenjoki originate from several small lakes that run into lake Maaninkajärvi in Tuovilanlahti, which is bordered by steep rock walls.
Next to the highest point of the rapids, there is an information display and a small kiosk café. From the parking area, a short trail in easy terrain takes the hiker to the platform built at the top of the rapids as well as to the trails of the surrounding area. You can use the stairs from the platform to descend to the bottom of the gorge.
To get to the Canyon Tour trail from the parking area, walk along the Korkeakoskentie road, past the kiosk café and towards the trail gateway. The loop trail is approximately 5.5 kilometres long and consists of a 3.5 kilometre nature trail and 2 kilometres of asphalt road.
The trail descends down to the bottom of the gorge, crosses the Korkeankoskenjoki river, and ascends steeply to the northern bank of the river. The trail is partly demanding due to the elevation difference, but the most challenging parts have been made easier with stairs and access bridges. The nature trail is waymarked in red, and halfway along the trail, there is a lean-to shelter with a campfire site. There is also a guided path to the Kokonkallio viewpoint, and remnants of the old Lokso dam are visible along the trail.
Contact information
Street address: Korkeakoskentie 111
Post code: 71775
Post office: Tuovilanlahti
District: Maaninka
Additional information
Lisätieto: Korkeakoski on Suomen korkein vapaana virtaava koski ja suosittu retkikohde. Korkeutta sillä on noin 36 metriä. Korkeakosken rotkolaaksossa on noin 35 hehtaarin laajuinen luonnonsuojelualue. Rotkon jyrkät rinteet muodostavat poikkeukselliset maasto-olosuhteet.
Reitin pituus km: 0.15m