Hiking destinations and nature trails

The versatile network of trails and rest spots in outdoor and recreational areas provide city residents and tourists with opportunities for diverse nature activities in the Kuopio region. Berry-picking, fishing, even overnight stays are possible in the areas and along the trails.
There are trails of varying lengths in terrain also in the areas of the merged municipalities. Improvements to the trail structures have been enabled by e.g. Leader funding, and the village associations and communities have had a key role in the development of trails. The Tahko tourist area is the most significant recreational and tourism centre in North Savo, and the local village association has successfully improved the Tahkon Tähdet trail network around Huutavanholma and Mäkiautio. The Tuovilanlahti village association and the city have also collaborated on creating magnificent facilities for the Korkeakoski Canyon Tour.
The City and various village associations also look after around 100 rest stops and campfire sites for hikers and boaters to use. Some of the rest stops are located along hiking trails and nature trails. During winter, skiing tracks and snowmobile trails often run past the rest stops.
Tips and resources
- Trails on Metsähallitus’ Retkikartta service
- Outdoor Etiquette – Metsähallitus
- Recreation in nature – Website of Finland’s environmental administration