Event organiser’s guide

Event organisers must take care of many arrangements, permits, notices, etc. well in advance of the event. This guide lists answers to frequently asked questions on event organisation.
Do the event participants need accommodation?
Kuopio has over 2,500 hotel beds. There are also hotels and accommodation businesses elsewhere in the North Savo region, for instance, in Tahko.
Read more about hotels and accommodation businesses at www.kuopiotahko.fi
For information about school accommodation, please consult the Service Area for Education and Learning.
E-mail: tilavaraukset@kuopio.fiIn camping, the relevant instructions must be followed. Areas intended to accommodate more than 100 persons in tents, caravans, or camper vans for a maximum of 14 days are considered temporary campsites, for which a notification must be submitted to environmental health care.
Service Area for Urban Environment, environmental health care
E-mail address: ymparistoterveys@kuopio.fi
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 KuopioSUMMARY
- Submit a notification of the temporary campsite to environmental health care.
- Familiarise yourself with the classification of public events from the perspective of the permit process.
Do you intend to serve or sell alcohol at the event?
The landowner’s permission is required for serving and selling alcohol in public areas. The permission only applies to possession of the land, not to its detailed use, for which other official permits or notices may be required.
Licences for the serving and retail sales of alcoholic beverages are granted by the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland: www.avi.fi/en.
Information: info.ita@avi.fi
Official matters: kirjaamo.ita@avi.fi
Postal address: PO Box 2, 13035 AVI
Visiting address: Hallituskatu 12-14, KuopioThe consent of the landowner is usually required for granting licenses for the serving and retail sales of alcoholic beverages.
With regard to the points of sale, the organiser may be responsible for the use of liquid gas equipment in accordance with regulations. Alternatively, the organiser will provide detailed instructions on what the user of liquid gas equipment should take into account. The instructions can be prepared together with the rescue department.
- Apply for a permission from the landowner for serving and selling alcohol in a public area.
- Apply for a licence for the serving and retail sales of alcohol from the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland.
- The consent of the owner of the plot is normally required for the serving of alcoholic beverages on the premises.
Are cleaning services needed at the venue?
The organiser of the event must take care of the cleanliness of the event area during and immediately after the event or order the service from, for example, Mestar Kuopio Oy.
Mestar Kuopio Oy
E-mail: info@mestar.fi
Phone: +358 17 185 750
Visiting address: Varikkokatu 2, 70620 KuopioIn sports halls, the event organiser will be invoiced for cleaning according to the valid price list or agreement.
For more information:
E-mail: tilavaraukset@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 17 182 550 -
What documents must be submitted to the rescue authorities?
If the event organiser is obliged to submit an emergency plan for event to the rescue department, this must be done no later than 14 days prior to the event.
The emergency plan must cover the themes laid down in the Rescue Act. A safety plan submitted to the police must also be submitted to the rescue department.
The emergency plan template for public events (in Finnish) can be found here: Emergency plan template for public events | Rescue departments.
For more information:
Phone: +358 17 182 111 (City of Kuopio switchboard)
E-mail: pelastuslaitos@kuopio.fiSUMMARY
- Submit the emergency plan no later than 14 days before the start of the event.
- Submit the safety plan submitted to the police also to the rescue department.
What documents must be submitted to the police?
If the event has the potential to affect public order or safety, it is considered a public event subject to special notifications and permits under the Assembly Act. Depending on the size of the event, it is a good idea to start the preparations several months in advance.
For public events, the police is the general licensing authority to whom any permit decisions taken by other authorities are submitted during the permit process.
If the event organiser is obliged to notify the police of the event, this must be done at least one week before the event.
The event organiser must use the Notify the police about a public event form (in Finnish) to inform the police about what the event is and where it will be organised, and who the persons in charge of the event are. The police may request additional information from the event organiser to ensure the safe organisation of the event. Inspections by the police and the rescue and environmental authorities are also part of the process.
The safety plan must include:
- the name of the event
- the persons in charge of the event and their contact details (the organiser, persons in charge of safety and traffic management, etc.)
- an overview of the event and its schedule
- estimated number of participants, with justifications
- risk analysis, i.e. what risks the organiser perceives in the event and how the organiser intends to reduce the likelihood and possible consequences of the realisation of the risks (e.g. a drunken troublemaker, acute illness, etc.)
- security stewards’ procedures and instructions in different situations
- the nature and general arrangements of the event (prohibited articles/substances, actions taken to confiscate them)
- traffic management plan (map, list of traffic controllers, locations of traffic controllers)
- possible temporary traffic arrangements
- expected number of vehicles
- parking arrangements
- agreements with the public transport operator (Kuopio region public transport) and taxi drivers, if the event has an impact on these operators
- pick-up points and map for authorities (where to pick up persons apprehended by security stewards)
- list of traffic controllers (personal identity codes included) and security stewards (personal identity codes/security steward identity card numbers included).
The nature and size of the event determine whether other documents are required:
- If loudspeakers are used in the event, a noise notification must typically be submitted to regional environmental protection services.
- Permission to perform music can be applied for from Teosto.
- A waste management plan must be prepared for events with more than 500 attendees. The plan must be presented to the authorities upon request.
- Permission of the land occupier/owner.
- Licence to serve alcoholic beverages.
- Permissions of the road keeper.
Public event notifications and a safety plans are required even for concerts held in concert halls and sports events. If concerts and sports competitions are repeatedly held in the same concert hall or sports hall, the notifications can be submitted for the events of the entire year at the same time. The same safety plan can be used for several events organised by the same organiser at the same venue. In this case, a list of all the events of the year can be appended to the plan, and the list can be updated as needed. If another party organises public events at the same venue, it is a good idea to present an equivalent safety plan with up-to-date information on staff changes.
For meetings arranged through social media, the sender of the first message is considered to be in charge of the event.
- Submit the permit decisions taken by other authorities to the police during the permit process.
- Notify the police of the event one week in advance at the latest.
Do you need electricity at the event?
The market square and harbour square have electricity and water outlets. For more information, contact the market square supervisor at +358 44 493 4734. Major electricity needs must be agreed separately with Kuopion Energia.
Kuopion energia
E-mail: sahkoliittyma@kuopionenergia.fi
Phone: +358 20 520 03Kuopio sports facilities and sports halls have their own meters according to which electricity consumption will be invoiced.
For more information, please contact: tilavaraukset@kuopio.fi
- Major electricity needs must be agreed separately with Kuopion Energia.
Event venues and areas and landowner’s permits
All outdoor events, sales events, etc. require permission from the owner of the land or property. The owner can be the City, the State, a private individual, a community, etc.
Kuopio has areas and facilities for all kinds of events. For information about the facilities and how to book them as well as the necessary permits, please contact:
Market square and harbour square
E-mail: tilla.martikainen@kuopionkeskus.fi
Phone: +358 50 360 8973Stall areas:
E-mail: torivalvoja@kuopionkeskus.fi
Phone: +358 44 493 4734Sports facilities, school facilities, and youth facilities
E-mail: tilavaraukset@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 17 182 550Service and telephone hours: weekdays 9–11 and 12–14
Meeting and conference facilities
Kuopio Convention Bureau Oy provides assistance in finding suitable facilities and organising meetings and conferences: https://www.kuopiotahko.fi/en/meetings/
Other outdoor areas, parks and street areas
Enquiries and applications concerning area reservations and landowner’s permits should be addressed to kunnossapito@kuopio.fi.
The landowner’s permit must be applied for at least one month before the event.
The applicant can print out the defined event area in the City of Kuopio’s map service at https://kartta.kuopio.fi/?setlanguage=en. The printout is required for processing the landowner’s permit.
There are also several ‘events parks’ in Kuopio.
- events parks: photos
- events park: price list
For small non-commercial events where the event area is not closed to the public and no special measures are required, permissions can be applied for (i.e. a notification of the event can be submitted and a permission thus obtained) free of charge from the City of Kuopio.
E-mail: kunnossapito@kuopio.fi
The landowner (either the City or a private individual) may impose conditions or prohibit the organisation of the event if the event is not suitable for the planned location or there are other obstacles to its organisation.
Tahko Event Park and other outdoor areas, dozens of adaptable indoor facilities, nearly 9,000 beds, and a high-quality service offering to complement events in a compact area. Read more about organising events in the Tahko area and contact us at https://www.tahko.com/en/meetings-and-groups/group-sales/
- All events require permission from the owner of the land or property.
For small events, the permits can be applied for from the City of Kuopio.
Do you intend to serve or sell foodstuffs at the event?
A permission from the landowner is required for serving and selling foodstuffs in public areas. The permission only applies to the possession of the land, not to its detailed use, for which other official permits or notices may be required.
A professional operator preparing, catering, or selling foodstuffs must submit a notification to environmental health care 4 working days before the event at the latest. The notification can be submitted by e-mail.
The outdoor sales of foodstuffs is governed by the Finnish Food Authority’s national guidelines.
The organiser must inform environmental health care services of events expected to attract more than 500 simultaneous attendees in writing well in advance of the event. The notification can be submitted by e-mail.
With regard to the points of sale, the organiser may be responsible for the use of liquid gas equipment in accordance with regulations. Alternatively, the organiser will provide detailed instructions on what the user of liquid gas equipment should take into account. The instructions can be prepared together with the rescue department.
For more information:
Environmental health care
E-mail: ymparistoterveys@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 17 182 111 (switchboard)
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 Kuopio
Postal address: PO Box 1097, 70111 KuopioSUMMARY
- Apply for permission from the landowner for serving and selling foodstuffs in public areas.
- Inform environmental health care services about the preparation, sale, or catering of foodstuffs no later than 4 days before the event.
- Inform environmental health care services about events with more than 500 participants in writing.
- Note the instructions for using liquid gas.
Do you intend to film movies or ads?
Filming is considered a public event if it attracts public attention or affects how people can move around in the area, for example. Acting and filming can be considered to attract public attention, whereas the mere capturing of landscapes or the cityscape is not considered a public event.
If filming takes place on the land of a private landowner or property holder, permission must be requested from the owner of the land or property.
If filming in a public place affects how other people can move around in the area or if it causes special traffic arrangements, notifications must be filed with the Licence Services of the police and the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Construction and maintenance services
E-mail: kunnossapito@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 800 918 511
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 KuopioFilming permits for sports facilities and outdoor recreation areas are applied for from the Service Area for Wellbeing Promotion.
E-mail: kirjaamo.hyvinvointi@kuopio.fiSUMMARY
- Apply for a permission to film from the owner of the land or property or from the Service Area for Wellbeing Promotion.
- If filming affect how other people can move around in the area or if it causes special traffic arrangements, submit a notification to the Licence Services of the police and the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Do you need first aid services at the venue?
The North Savo wellbeing services county is responsible for organising the emergency medical services in the North Savo region. The services are provided by the wellbeing services county and the North Savo Rescue Department. A plan for the arrangement of first aid services at the event must be prepared as part of the emergency plan prepared for the rescue authorities. The plan must be submitted to the authorities 14 days before the event.
E-mail: kys.joke@kuh.fi
Large public events usually require risk assessments and plans for potential additional needs for emergency medical services. These services must be agreed upon with the North Savo wellbeing services county. Before these types of events, a safety inspection covering first aid arrangements is carried out on-site.
For more information:
Charge Nurse Jouni Farin
Phone: +358 44 717 4251
E-mail: jouni.farin@kuh.fiWard Manager Janne Eskelinen
Phone: +358 44 717 9552
E-mail: janne.eskelinen@kuh.fiSUMMARY
- A plan for the first aid arrangements of the event must be submitted 14 days before the event to: kys.joke@kuh.fi.
- For large public events, a risk assessment and a plan for potential additional needs for emergency medical services are agreed upon with the North Savo wellbeing services county and a safety inspection is carried out with regard to first aid.
Do you need a flagpole or other equipment for the event?
Crowd control barriers, flagged warning lines, flagpoles, and other event constructions can be ordered from, for example, Mestar, a public service company wholly owned by the City of Kuopio.
E-mail: info@mestar.fiFor more information on flying the flag in the city area and the relevant landowner’s permissions:
Service Area for Urban Environment customer service
E-mail: maaomaisuudenhallintapalvelut@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 800 918 511
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 Kuopio -
Do you intend to organise a fire show or use pyrotechnic effects?
The organisation of fire shows and the use of pyrotechnic effects are subject to permission from the landowner.
Regulations on which authorities should be informed about the use of pyrotechnic effects are laid down in the Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives. (Chemicals Safety Act 390/2005 section 81 and section 97)
Government Decree on the Monitoring of the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives (819/2015) specifies the obligation to notify laid down in the above-mentioned Act on the information to be included in the notification concerning the use of special effects.
Notification of the use of explosives or flammable and explosive chemicals as special effects (Government Decree 390/2005, section 81)
Explosives or flammable and explosive chemicals may be used as special effects in general meetings and public events referred to in the Assembly Act (530/1999) if a notification of their use has been submitted to the rescue authorities well in advance of the event.
The notification must include a person in charge who must have a valid charger’s certificate as referred to in the Charger Act.
The person in charge must ensure that in the events referred to in subsection 1, explosives or flammable and explosive chemicals are used in accordance with regulations and in accordance with the restrictions and conditions set by the rescue authorities.
Based on the notification, the rescue authority may impose restrictions and conditions on the intended use necessary for the safe handling of special effects. The rescue authority may prohibit use if it can be considered as causing apparent personal injury, environmental damage, or damage to property at the intended venue and time.
More detailed provisions on the notification procedure, the information required for the notification, the deadlines for submitting the notification, and the duties of the person in charge are laid down by government decree as needed.
Notification of the use of special effects (Government Decree 819/2015, section 62)
The notification submitted to the rescue authority as referred to in section 81 of the Chemicals Safety Act must include:
- contact details of the person submitting the notification
- time and place where the special effects are to be used
- purpose of use
- estimated number of participants in the event
- effects to be used
- how the effects work and the applied safety distances
- explosion plan describing the explosion work
- storage and guarding arrangements in the area for the pyrotechnics
- the person in charge and their contact details and qualifications
- operating instructions for the safe use of the products
- planned fire extinguishing equipment and operating procedures in the event of accidents
The notification must be accompanied by a map showing the intended place of use and storage of the products, the escape routes, and the location of other objects that may be needed for safe operation.
- Obtain a permission from the landowner for organising a fire show or using pyrotechnic effects.
- Submit a notification of the use of pyrotechnic effects to the appropriate authority.
- Submit a notification of the use of explosives or flammable and explosive chemicals as special effects to the rescue authority.
Submit a notification of the use of special effects to the rescue authority.
Do you intend to have a firework display?
The use of fireworks is subject to permission from the landowner.
Setting off fireworks is prohibited in market squares and street areas. For more information, see www.pspelastuslaitos.fi. Regulations governing the use of fireworks, specifically, which authorities should be informed, are laid down in the Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives. (Chemicals Safety Act 390/2005, section 81 and section 97)
Government Decree on the Monitoring of the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives (819/2015) specifies the obligation to notify laid down in the above-mentioned Act on the information to be included in the notification concerning the fireworks display or the use of special effects.
Use of fireworks
Government Decree on the Monitoring of the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives (819/2015) entered into force in 2015 and provides for the use of fireworks approved for private use.
The regional rescue department must be notified of the private use of fireworks five days in advance at the latest. The electronic form and instructions for submitting the notification can be found from the rescue department website. Fireworks approved for private use may only be handed over from a sales point approved by the rescue authority.
If fireworks are used at events other than private events organised by private individuals, it is considered a fireworks display. The organiser of the fireworks display must submit a notification to the police using the form on the police department’s website. The police will request a statement from the rescue department.
Private individuals may use fireworks without a separate notice between 18:00 on the 31 of December and 2:00 on the 1st of January. Please note, however, that the use of fireworks is never allowed in areas where fireworks are prohibited. In the North Savo region, fireworks are prohibited in the very centre of the City of Kuopio, the Petonen centre, the Päiviönsaari area in Varkaus and the Tahkovuori area in Nilsiä.
The storage volumes of fireworks and other explosives in residential buildings are a maximum of 2 kg of gunpowder, a maximum total of 20,000 cartridges and primers used in firearms, tools, and start pistols, and a maximum of 5 kg of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles (temporarily).
North Savo Rescue Department’s operating instructions for fireworks
- The use of fireworks is always subject to a notification of use (excluding the above-mentioned period between 31 December and 1 January)
- The processing of the notification is subject to a fee, the product catalogue (excluding the above-mentioned period between 31 December and 1 January)
- Notification of use is not accepted:
- For areas where the use of fireworks is prohibited
- When a warning of a risk of grass fires or forest fires is in effect
- When the site does not meet regulatory requirements
- Venetsialaiset, i.e. the festivities on the last weekend of August marking the end of the summer house season
- No separate notice is required for the use of fireworks during this time.
- Please note, however, that the use of fireworks is only permitted between 18:00 Saturday evening and 2:00 Sunday morning.
- The use of fireworks during the last week of August is prohibited:
- In all areas where the use of fireworks is prohibited
- In built-up areas (area indicated with traffic signs).
- When a warning of a risk of grass fires or forest fires is in effect.
- The use of fireworks is always subject to a notification of use (excluding the above-mentioned period between 31 December and 1 January)
Notification of the organisation of a fireworks display (Government Decree 819/2015, section 61)
A notification of the organisation of a firework display in accordance with section 97 of the Chemicals Safety Act 390/2005 must be submitted to the police no later than 14 days in advance.
The notification must indicate:
- the site of the display
- the exact date and time
- the type of fireworks used
- the manner of storage of the fireworks on-site
- safety distances and other precautions taken to prevent accidents
- the person in charge and their contact details
- the personal details and contact details of those setting off the fireworks.
A copy of the decision issued by the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency to the notification submitted by the organiser of the firework display in accordance with section 16 must be appended to the notification.
The police must consult the rescue authorities on the notification. The police must notify the rescue authority and the emergency response centre of the display.
- Ask for the permission of the landowner for the use of fireworks.
- Regulations on which authorities should be informed about the use of fireworks are laid down in the Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives.
- Submit a notification of the private use of fireworks to the regional rescue department 5 days in advance at the latest.
- Submit a notification of a firework display to the police no later than 14 days before the display.
Do you intend to use or store flammable liquids, liquid gas, or explosives?
Regulations on the storage and use of hazardous chemicals are primarily laid down in the Act on the Safe Handling and Storage of Dangerous Chemicals and Explosives (390/2005). The purpose of the Act is to prevent personal, environmental and property damage caused by the manufacture, use, transfer, storage, and other handling of hazardous chemicals and explosives.
Minor industrial handling and storage of hazardous chemicals is only allowed through submitting a separate notification. The obligation to notify also applies to the use and storage of liquid gas. The obligation also applies to organisers of public events, who must submit a written notification at least one month before handling and storing hazardous chemicals. The notification must include information and reports on the planned activities and safety arrangements. The chemical notification must detail which hazardous chemicals are to be used and stored in the public event area. (Chemicals Safety Act 390/2005 section 24).
Government Decree 685/2015 supplements the aforementioned Act, provides a framework for the activities of the authorities and describes the obligations that the organiser of the public event must comply with and answer for in their own activities. The decree does not provide a clear definition for the quantities of hazardous substances. It is important to submit the chemicals notification so that the rescue authority can assess the safety of the public event with regard to hazardous substances and, if necessary, issue conditions and requirements for their use and storage.
With regard to the placement of liquid gas cylinders and operating equipment, safety-related matters are governed by Government Decree 858/2012 Storage of Liquid Gas Cylinders and Containers.
In brief, the general obligations for the storage of liquid gas under the decree are:
- Liquid gas cylinders and containers must be placed so that they do not become heated or susceptible to mechanical damage. Liquid gas cylinders and containers must be stored in a locked space or otherwise in a location where unauthorised persons are prevented from access.
- The storage space for liquid gas cylinders and containers must be adequately ventilated.
- Full and empty cylinders must be stored separately, and their respective locations must be clearly marked. Liquid gas cylinders must be positioned in such a way that they can be quickly removed from storage in the event of a fire.
- The protective caps and nuts of the valves of the liquid gas cylinders in storage must be in place and the cylinders must be placed vertically with the valve facing upwards.
The necessary notification forms and their delivery addresses can be found on the rescue department’s website.
For more information, please contact the rescue department:
E-mail: pelastuslaitos@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 17 182 111 (City of Kuopio switchboard)SUMMARY
- Submit a notification of the handling, use, and storage of hazardous chemicals at least one month before handling the chemicals.
Events are occasions where a group of people meets at the locality due to a common denominator and stays in the locality for a few hours or days, using the various services of the locality in a versatile manner.
The event may require time for construction and takedown, and may not be over until after final cleaning or repairs have been taken care of.
Many events are private and do not require any specific permits or notifications. Such events are often organised in places or facilities with regular staff and security stewards.
If the event has potential impacts on public order and safety, it is considered a public event that may be subject to notifications and permits in accordance with the Assembly Act.
Public events are defined in the Assembly Act. Typically, the term ‘public event’ is used for fairs, markets, celebrations, ceremonies, competitions, shows, advertising events, concerts, and other events where other people than those specifically invited have access to in return for or without payment. Events are organised by both private individuals and businesses, associations, and the public sector. They bring people together at a specific time and place for a specific purpose or occasion.
From the perspective of the permit processes, public events can be classified as follows:
- Private events
- Events of a private nature that, under the Assembly Act, are considered public events not having a negative impact on public order or safety (no need for security stewards or special traffic arrangements), no obligation to notify the police or the rescue authorities.
- A public event for which a public event notification must be submitted to the police and an emergency plan must be prepared for the rescue authority. These include ice fishing competitions.
- A public event for which a public event notification must be submitted to the police and safety and emergency plans must be prepared. These include e.g. ordinary public events.
A public event for which a public event notification must be submitted to the police and safety and emergency plans must be prepared. The police will make a separate permit decision. These include larger events that potentially affect public order and safety.
- Take into account the event organiser’s obligations related to fireworks, fire shows, or the use of pyrotechnic effects.
- It is not always easy to draw the line between events subject to and free of the obligation to notify.
- For more information and advice, please contact the police at https://poliisi.fi/en/eastern-finland-police-department
- Also refer to the Assembly Act and the Government Decree on Rescue Services for more information on the definitions of public events. Events that attract more than 200 people are considered public events.
- In most cases, the event organiser should preferably submit a notification of the public event rather than choose not to do so.
How are goods and equipment transported to the venue?
A permit is required for transports exceeding 12 metres in the central urban area. The permits are granted by the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Service Area for Urban Environment maintenance services
E-mail: kunnossapito@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 44 718 5425 or +358 800 918 511Abnormal transport permits are applied for from the North Savo Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre): https://www.ely-keskus.fi/web/ely/ely-pohjois-savo (in Finnish).
- A permit is required for transports exceeding 12 metres in the central urban area.
- Abnormal transport permits are applied for from the North Savo ELY Centre.
Is the event meant to organise a lottery?
Permits for lotteries organised in the area of a single police department are applied for from the Licence Services of the police department in question. Permits for lotteries organised in the area of multiple police departments are applied for from the National Police Board of Finland.
The Eastern Finland Police Department grants the permits for lotteries held in its area.
Small lotteries
Under the Lotteries Act, a non-profit organisation or foundation may run a lottery without a separate permit if the total selling price of the lottery tickets does not exceed EUR 3,000 and the sale of tickets and the distribution of prizes take place at the same event.
A school class or equivalent study group may run a small lottery for the purpose of promoting studies or leisure-time activities in support of studies if a person with full legal capacity is in charge of the work associated with running the lottery.
In small and miniature lotteries, the total combined value of the prizes must equal to at least 35% of the total combined selling price of the lottery tickets, and the value of the smallest prize must be at least equal to the price of the ticket.
Some of the small lotteries require the holder to render accounts. The accounts must be rendered immediately after the event has ended. However, accounts do not need to be rendered if the lottery tickets have only been sold among the members of the entity running the lottery.
The accounts for small lotteries must include a lottery draw record/accounting form and its appendices.
The executor of the lotteries must keep the accounts available for two weeks after the finalisation of the accounts. The accounts must be stored in the manner laid down in the Accounting Act (1336/1997).
When the event is organised by a school class or an equivalent study group, the person with full legal capacity in charge of the execution of the lottery is also responsible for keeping the accounts available. The accounts must be stored for one year.
- Apply for a lottery permit from the Eastern Finland Police Department.
- After the end of the lottery event, render the accounts in the manner laid down in the Accounting Act.
- Accounts do not need to be rendered if the lottery tickets have only been sold among the members of the entity running the lottery.
Will the event cause temporary noise?
Temporary noise may occur during the event, but also during the construction and takedown of the event.
The notification required under section 118 of the Environmental Protection Act (527/2014) must be submitted to the environmental protection authorities 30 days before the event (see notification of temporary noise and vibration).
Information on the prevention of temporary noise and the use of audio equipment is provided by the environmental protection services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Regional environmental protection services
E-mail address: ymparistonsuojelu@kuopio.fi
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 KuopioSUMMARY
- Submit a noise notification 30 days before the event.
Do you need outdoor advertising or marketing for the event?
Temporary advertising on street areas
The Service Area for Urban Environment rents out temporary advertising space for events taking place in the City of Kuopio. The price of advertising is determined in accordance with the service price list approved by the Technical Services Board on 28 April 2010 (section 142).
Outdoor advertising instructions (pdf)
Application for temporary advertising (pdf)
Advertising spaces on a map (pdf)
Advertising spaces:
- 1–10 pcs: EUR 100 per week (incl. VAT 24%)
- 11–35 pcs: EUR 200 per week (incl. VAT 24%)
Bridge railings (Neulamäki bicycle and pedestrian bridge, Karjalankatu bridge, Puijonkatu bridge):
- 1–3 pcs: EUR 100 per week (incl. VAT 24%)
Advertising permits must be applied for at least one week before the beginning of the advertising period.
Enquiries and applications: kunnossapito@kuopio.fi
Event and advertising permits | KuopioAdvertising companies operating in street areas
Advertising in street areas is possible through separate advertising equipment, for which the city has long-term contracts with advertising companies. The contracts cover advertising in e.g. bus stop shelters, lamp posts, advertising poles, and digital signage.
JCDecaux Finland Oy: Advertising in pillars and bus stop shelters
Clear Channel Finland Oy: Advertising in bus stop shelters
Kakkosmedia Oy: Advertising in lamp posts
Atlas Media Oy: Advertising in lamp posts
Nilsiän Pallo-Haukat ry: Advertising in lamp posts in Nilsiä
Mediateko Oy: Roadside digital signageEvents can be advertised in the electronic event calendars: Event calendars of Kuopio
- Advertising is subject to permission from the landowner.
Do you intend to light a fire or use outdoor candles or open fire?
Lighting fires is subject to permission from the landowner.
The rescue department must always be consulted on the use of open fire in a public event area. When using open fire, the obligations laid down in the Rescue Act on the safe lighting of fires must be taken into account. When open fire is used, a sufficient amount of suitable primary extinguishing equipment must be reserved in the immediate vicinity of the site.
If a forest fire warning has been issued, the rescue department may prohibit the making of open fires in the area.
For more information:
Phone: +358 17 182 111 (City of Kuopio switchboard)
E-mail: pelastuslaitos@kuopio.fiSUMMARY
- Obtain a landowner’s permit for using open fire.
- Discuss with the rescue department about the use of open fire in the public event area.
Do you intend to play or perform music at the event?
A permission from copyright organisations, e.g. Teosto, is required for the public performance of music.
Permission to perform music in market square areas can be requested from the market square supervisor. In street areas, parks, and other public areas, permits are granted by the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Market square supervisor
E-mail: torivalvoja@kuopionkeskus.fi
Phone: +358 44 493 4734Service Area for Urban Environment maintenance services
E-mail: kunnossapito@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 800 918 511Street performers are not allowed to use sound audio systems in market squares or other areas. The performance must not disturb market activities, residents, or other users.
- To publicly play or perform music, apply for permission from the copyright organisation.
- To play or perform music in market squares, apply for a permission from the market square supervisor.
- To play or perform music on the street areas, parks, or other public areas, apply for a permission from the Service Area for Urban Environment maintenance services
Do you intend to organise a rally, rally sprint, or other speed race?
These are considered public events subject to all the provisions applicable to public events. The closing of streets in the town plan zone is subject to permission by the City Board. For other roads, the permit authority is the police. A statement or decision by the road keeper is also required. Closing public roads for motor vehicles is only allowed for speed races organised for passenger cars or motorcycles.
Other vehicle types must compete on their designated race tracks.
- Apply for a permit to close the streets or roads from the City Board or the police.
- Don’t forget road keeper’s statement/decision.
Are security stewards or security guards needed for the event?
As a rule, public events must have designated security stewards. With the help of security stewards, the organiser guarantees the uninterrupted and safe completion of the event. At least two security stewards are required, one male and one female.
The number of security stewards required depends on the nature of the event and the size or general controllability of the venue. The organiser must present, based on safety planning, the number of security stewards they estimate will be required for the event. The police will consider the capabilities of the security stewards proposed by the organiser to perform at the event. As a general rule of thumb, high-risk events require 1 security steward per 100 visitors and low-risk events 1 security steward per 500 customers. However, the number of security stewards must always be sufficient for them to effectively manage their duties (e.g. to open escape routes and guide and assist people to the meeting areas). Security stewards must be able to intervene in and prevent public disturbances without delay.
The supervision of the event area outside the actual opening hours of the event is considered guarding and is thus related to security companies’ field of operation. Security stewards are not allowed to carry out night watch. Without security guards, there is practically no way for the event organiser to prevent or intervene in trespassing in the event area.
- Submit a proposal on the number of security stewards based on the safety plan to the police.
- Security stewards are not allowed to carry out night watch.
Do you need tents, stages, or other temporary structures?
A permit by the building control authority is not required for structures that are only in place for a maximum of two weeks.
The safety of temporary structures, stages, and tents is always the responsibility of the event organiser. The organiser must provide a certificate signed by the person in charge (a construction professional) stating that the safety of the above-mentioned temporary structures meets the requirements of the National Building Code with regard to the strength and stability of the structure (e.g. live load, wind loads) and operational safety (exit routes, railings, primary extinguishing equipment, etc.). The certificate must be presented to the authority carrying out the inspection of the event area.
A permit from the building control authority is always required for the construction of temporary structures that are in place for more than two weeks. The permit is applied for from the building control services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Service Area for Urban Environment, building control services
E-mail: rakennusvalvonta@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 17 185 174The permit decision is submitted to the permit authorities as an appendix to the safety and emergency plan.
The building control authority inspects the temporary structures before they are put into service. A person in charge on behalf of the event organiser (a construction professional) must be appointed for construction, who then requests the building control authority to inspect the temporary structures before they are put into service.
After the event, all constructions and structures must be taken down without delay and the event area must be cleaned. Damaged or dirty street areas and other event areas must be put in order and cleaned immediately.
- A permit from the building control authority is required for temporary structures in place for longer than two weeks.
- Certificate on the safety of the structures must be presented to the authority carrying out the inspection of the event area.
Are temporary traffic arrangements needed?
The event may require temporary traffic arrangements, such as street closures, flashing traffic lights, temporary parking areas, or other measures in the traffic area.
Sufficient information and guidance must be provided on road closures required by public events. Temporary informative signs are lightweight signs with white background that indicate the name or logo of the event and, if necessary, the direction and distance to the event.
When the road keeper is the City of Kuopio, a permit for these measures is applied for from the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment.
Service Area for Urban Environment maintenance services
E-mail: kunnossapito@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 800 918 511For public roads, permits for the special measures required by the event are applied for from the ELY Centre (excluding road closing). Free-form applications for permits for temporary informative signs are submitted to the local ELY Centre using the following message title: ”Hakemus tilapäiselle opastukselle / tapahtumailmoitukselle”. Permit processing runs smoother if the application is accompanied by a map indicating the scope of the informative signage. Applications can also be submitted by e-mail to kirjaamo.pohjois-savo@ely-keskus.fi.
The permit authority for events that require the closing of public roads is the police. If necessary, the road maintenance authority (ELY Centre) issues a statement to the police on the use of public roads. If the event does not require the closing of public roads, the permit authority for the special use of a public road is the regional ELY Centre. Similarly, temporary speed limits are applied for from the regional ELY Centre.
As a rule, exceptional traffic arrangements are agreed well in advance between the event organiser and road keeper, i.e. the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment of the City or the ELY Centre. The police can provide expert advice already in the event planning phase. During the event, the police can still make any necessary amendments, for example by closing streets. Temporary security stewards cannot be approved for the event without a public event decision. The police may decide to appoint traffic controllers for events other than public events. Traffic management personnel appointed by the event organiser can be authorised to control traffic on public roads by decision of the police.
The organiser of the event must ensure that the emergency access roads of the surrounding area and buildings remain unblocked throughout the public event.
- Apply for a permit for special measures or road closing from the maintenance services of the Service Area for Urban Environment, the ELY Centre, or the police.
Do you intend to sell tobacco products at the event?
The serving and sales of tobacco products in public areas are subject to a permit from the landowner. The permission only applies to the possession of the land, not to its detailed use, for which other official permits or notices may be required.
Retail sale of tobacco products is subject to a licence. Tobacco products may only be sold by a trader with a retail licence issued by the municipality where the tobacco products are sold. A retail licence is also a precondition for purchasing tobacco products from wholesale for retail use.
Retail licence applications can be submitted electronically or in writing. It is recommended that the application be submitted electronically. You can find the application form and related instructions on the website of the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira). The electronic application is automatically directed to the retail licence register and the municipality where the tobacco sales point is to be located. We recommend you use the electronic application, as it will provide the wholesaler up-to-date information on the granted retail licence.
Retail licence applications must be submitted well in advance before the start of selling. The processing period for a tobacco retail licence application under the Tobacco Act (549/2016) is 40 days.
The municipality will charge a fee for granting the permit and for the future supervision of sales in accordance with the approved rates.
Smoking is prohibited under the canopies and in the stands of outdoor public events and in other facilities intended for watching the event where participants are staying.
For more information:
Service Area for Urban Environment, environmental health care
E-mail: ymparistoterveys@kuopio.fi
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 KuopioWith regard to the points of sale, the organiser may be responsible for the use of liquid gas equipment in accordance with regulations. Alternatively, the organiser will provide detailed instructions on what the user of liquid gas equipment should take into account. The instructions can be prepared together with the rescue department.
- Apply for a landowner’s permit for selling tobacco products in a public place.
How is the public taken to and from the venue?
Inform the Kuopio Region Public Transport about major events (more than 1,000 participants).
E-mail address: kaupunkiymparisto@kuopio.fi
Phone: +358 17 185 044 or +358 800 918 511 (toll-free)
Visiting address: City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 KuopioInform VR about major events (more than 8,000 participants).
Phone: +358 30 710 (VR switchboard)Also notify Kuopio taxis of major events.
Ekvator Oy
E-mail: toimisto@ekvator.fi
Office phone number: +358 17 550 0815
Kiekkotie 4, 70200 KuopioSUMMARY
Inform Kuopio Region Public Transport, VR, and Kuopio taxis about major events.
Do you need water at the event?
The market square and harbour square have electricity and water outlets.
For more information:
Market square supervisor
E-mail: torivalvoja@kuopionkeskus.fi
Phone: +358 44 493 4734Kuopion Vesi
Phone: +358 17 182 111 (City of Kuopio switchboard)
E-mail: asiakaspalvelu@kuopionvesi.fi -
Does the event generate waste?
The organiser of the event must take care of the cleanliness of the event area during and immediately after the event or order these services from, for example, Mestar Kuopio Oy.
Mestar Kuopio Oy
E-mail: info@mestar.fi
Phone: +358 17 185 750
Visiting address: Varikkokatu 2, 70620 KuopioThe planning and organisation of waste management (waste containers and their removal) can be ordered from a private company or from the municipal waste company Jätekukko Oy. For events lasting more than two days, the organiser must prepare a waste management plan and present it to the authorities upon request. For more information and advice on waste management plans for large public events, contact Jätekukko Oy.
Jätekukko Oy
E-mail: asiakaspalvelu@jatekukko.fi
Phone: +358 17 368 0152SUMMARY
- A waste management plan must be prepared for events lasting more than two days.