Our Kuopio production grant

What is Our Kuopio production grant?
Production grant will be granted for the costs of organizing citizen-driven productions to be organized in Kuopio during 2025. Support can be applied for:
-For productions selected for the Kuopio250 anniversary program
-For productions to be realized during the Our Kuopio Festival (15–31 August 2025)
-For other citizen-driven productions to be realized during 2025 (Our Kuopio pop-up).
Production grant is part-financing, so please make sure that your production also has other funding and that this is recorded in the application. The money granted can be used for, among other things, material, marketing and commission costs.
Production grant can be applied for for a single event or a series of events. Production grant is applied for for a series of events as a whole. Support is not granted separately for sub-events. Additional information or supplements may be requested in the application.
The application period for production grant is 3.2.–9.6.2025 and 1.8.–15.9.2025. Production grant applications for our Kuopio festival (15.–31.8.2025) and the main event in November of the Kuopio250 anniversary year (week 47) must be submitted no later than 9.6.2025. Production grant must be applied for no later than 1 month before the production is carried out. Applications will not be processed in July. Applications will be processed in the order they are received. Support cannot be applied after the event.
Production grant is applied for via electronic services: https://easiointi.kuopio.fi/. In the service, you can monitor the processing status of your form, view the forms you have sent, and download them to your computer. It is also possible to leave the form incomplete and return to continue it later. Remember to familiarize yourself with the production grant criteria before completing the application!
You can also apply you event to be a part of the Kuopio 250th anniversary programme. If necessary, the City of Kuopio will co-finance the productions selected for the programme with production grant. More information on the Kuopio250 anniversary here.

Individuals, working groups, independent producers, artists, and associations can apply for the grant. When the applicant is an unregistered working group, the application is made in the name of a representative of the working group. Other members of the group should be named in the application, and they are jointly responsible for the grant. Also companies can apply for the grant.
The grant will not be awarded for events or projects that generate profits or whose main objective is business-related. The grant will not be awarded for events that are part of an association or other actor’s regular operation. As a rule, grants are not awarded to exhibitions. Production grants will not be awarded for catering, equipment purchases, recordings, or publications. The production grant is not awarded if the event has received any other support or assistance from the city.
The event is
- open to all
- accessible
- intoxicant-free
- The event promotes inclusion, community, diversity and/or equality.
- The event complements the local cultural or event scene.
- Surprising atmosphere, surprising encounters and resident-oriented approach are considered advantages.
The grant is paid retrospectively based on a report submitted by the recipient listing costs up to the amount awarded. Please attach the receipts to the report and keep all receipts for one year from the payment of the grant for possible spot checks. The report must be submitted within two months of the event.
- A company’s fee can be invoiced directly from the city.
- Private individuals are paid a fee using the outsourced service form (The contractor fills in the form and the event organizer submits it in connection with the settlement of accounts).
- The outsourced service form / invoicing information will be sent to the event organizer in connection with a positive production grant decision.
Example 1: Three high-school students organize a vocal concert. They themselves are performers and they produce the event. The apply for Our Kuopio Festival grant, which also includes the performers’ reward. Each singer is paid using their personal tax card. Each performer fills out the service form and attach the tax card. Note that the reward must include all social security expenses and the tax (include in the application).
The budget: 800 € from which 550 € production grant
costs: performers’ reward 300 €, hall rent 250 €, permissions 100 €, audio 150 €
income: Our Kuopio Festival grant 550 €, sponsor 250 €Example 2: A professional artist organizes an event where a communal artwork is produced. The event is organized in the artist’s own studio. The artist applies for a grant that can be partly invoiced from the city (artist’s reward). Any other costs (materials, permits, etc.) will be paid according to the actual costs. Separately, the applicant fills out a statement of accounts form, in which all expenses and income are recorded. For the invoiced fee, the account settlement form is indicated (invoiced).
The budget: 870 € from which 700 € production grant
costs: artist’s fee 500 €, materials 200 €, marketing 170 €
income: Our Kuopio Festival grant 700 €, sponsor 50 €, own funding 120 €Example 3: An association organizes an event with live music, circus performance and word art. Live music is performed by a group of amateurs, and they fill in the outsourced service form and attach a tax card. The circus performance has been commissioned from a professional artist who invoices his or her own fee through the company’s business ID. (The company sends the invoice directly to the city. On the settlement form, enter “invoiced” in this box.) The word art is produced by a private person, so its fee is paid at the service form + tax card.
Budget: 1850 € from which 1300 €production grant
costs: music/band 500 €, audio 300 €, circus performance 400 €, word art 120 €, materials 250 €, marketing 130 €, permissions and other expenses 150 €
income: Our Kuopio Festival grant 1300 €, sponsors 550 €
For further information, contact Our Kuopio Festival’s producer
Hanna Kalliokoski
Project Coordinator
Civic engagement services