Karttula community centre

The Karttula community centre is a place for associations, clubs, and other parties to arrange a variety of events and activities that are open for everyone. You are warmly welcome to take part in events and meet other residents.
Are you interested in arranging, for example, a reading club, exercise group, or other activity in the community centre? The Karttula facility can be used for organising various activities and events, as long as they are open to everyone.
For bookings and enquiries, please contact Airi Asikainen, preferably by e-mail at airi.asikainen@kuopio.fi, or tel. +358 44 748 8257. Read more about using and booking the community centre.
The City of Kuopio is responsible for the coordination of community activities, the allocation of resources, and for the development of activities and networks. The activities are open for everyone and substance-free.
Interested in volunteer work in the community centre? Read more about volunteer work here.
Location and other information
Address: Kissakuusentie 6, 72100 Karttula
Opening hours: During scheduled events and activities
Events and activities in the Karttula community centre
Regular programme
- Will updatte soon.
Download the weekly programme for community centres, spring 2023.
- Will update soon.
Contact information
Tuula Kaikkonen
Community worker
+358 44 718 2823
Current events on the Kuopion Seinä service Kuopion SeinäThis link will open to a new tab (in Finnish)