Sports events in rural areas

Monday 17/4/2023
Guided gym sessions at 9:00–9:50 and 10:30–11:30 (instructions for using the equipment and exercise tips)
Chair workout at 10:00–10:30 at the community centre
Guided stair training for all age groups at the Pertun portaat stairs on the Vaaru hillside
Thursday 8/6/2023 at 10:00.
Tips for stairs training.
We meet at the bottom of the stairs.
Toiveiden torstai, Thursday 20/4/2023
Karttula Municipal Hall
10:00 Chair workout12:00 Outdoor Nordic walking
with other activities throughout the day
For more information
Jyrki Tarvainen
Sports instructor/Kuopio, Vehmersalmi, Riistavesi and Karttula