Cross-country skiing tracks

Kuopio has up to 600 kilometres of skiing tracks in varying, naturally beautiful terrain. There are both easy trails that run on even terrain and more challenging, hilly tracks. The cross-country skiing tracks of Kuopio are listed on this page.
Rules for outdoor sports in Kuopio
Rules for outdoor sports in Kuopio
The Kuopio cross-country skiing track map and track info can be found under the link below. The page also displays the status of each track, i.e. when maintenance work has been carried out.
See the track info here!
Walking and cycling are prohibited on cross-country skiing tracks.
In addition to skiers, there are also track machines on the skiing tracks. For the Puijo-Puijonsarvi and Jynkänvuori-Petonen main tracks that run on ground, maintenance work is carried out outside operating times and when it is not raining. The location and storage of the track machine will dictate the date and time of maintenance work.
After snowfalls, maintenance work starts with the tracks that run on ground and will continue with the tracks that run on ice when the weather is calm again. In the Puijo-Puijonsarvi area, maintenance work is carried out whenever necessary.
At temperatures below -20°C, there is a risk of breakage to the machines, which means that maintenance work cannot be carried out in such conditions. During longer periods of freezing conditions, maintenance work is carried out as needed, based on the wearing and hardening of the tracks.
In thawing weather, maintenance work is carried out more sparsely or stopped altogether, if the snow only gets wet temporarily. This is to prevent the tracks from freezing. Once the temperature drops again, the groomed snow will become difficult to work on, and skiing on the tracks will become unpleasant.
The most important criterion for beginning the maintenance of skiing tracks running on ice is the thickness of the ice; there must be at least 15 cm of thick, strong ice. There must also be enough snow to make the skiing tracks. The conditions on the ice, such as frost and heavy snows, also have an impact on maintenance schedules. In several winters, the management of the skiing tracks running on ice has been negatively affected by water on the ice. Sections where tracks running on the ground cross small bays or other water bodies are prioritised, e.g. Niuvanranta–Viinaniemi, Särkiniemi–Rauhalahti and Jynkkä–Jynkänvuori.
Tracks designated for walking and dog sledding are located next to the skiing tracks running on ice by the shoreline of Kuopionlahti, Jynkänlahti, Särkilahti, Kirvesniemi and Niuva.
Dog sledding hours: Mon through Thu 20:00–22:00. The starting point is in Ala-Antikkala, see map. Dogs must be kept on a leash.
Dog sledding hours are reserved for practicing dog sledding as a competitive sport, not for walking dogs. The length of the track is 4.3 kilometres.Facebook page of the Kuopion vetokoiraharrastajat dog sledding association.
Every year, before the start of the skiing season, Kuopio opens two first snow skiing tracks in Puijo and Tahko. The snow used to make the tracks has been made with cannons during the previous winter and preserved over the summer. The use of the first snow skiing tracks is subject to a fee until the start of the actual skiing season.
For more information
Hannu Parviainen
Supervisor, Mestar
Skiing track maintenance: Kuopio, Karttula
Jukka Puustinen
Supervisor, Mestar
Skiing track maintenance: Nilsiä, Maaninka, Juankoski, Vehmersalmi
Mika Venäläinen
Track maps