School gyms

The gyms of the schools of the City of Kuopio are excellent facilities for various indoor sports and events throughout the year. There are over 50 school gyms of different sizes in the Kuopio, Juankoski, Karttula, Maaninka, Nilsiä, Riistavesi and Vehmersalmi areas.
Booking school gyms
Below, you can find instructions and contact information for booking school gyms. You can find the list of gyms at the bottom of the page and check addresses and other details by clicking on the names. The link below opens to the Timmi booking calendar for school gyms. In the calendar, you can browse availabilities and register and book available slots (shown in white) yourself. NB! On school days, the gyms can only be booked for after 16:00, except for Kuopio Hall, Kuntolaakso and Lippumäki swimming pools, Niirala ice arena and Lippumäki artificial skating rink.
- School premises available for booking
- Sports facilities available for booking
- Booking schools and sports facilities for regular use
Sign up and search for facilities in the booking calendar