Snowmobile trails

Snowmobile enthusiasts get to enjoy the extensive snowmobile trail network of the North Savo and Kuopio regions. Snowmobiling is primarily regulated by the Act on Off-Road Transport (1710/1995), and it is subject to permission from the landowner.
In Kuopio, most currently used snowmobile trails are unofficial ruts, the use of which is based on agreements with landowners. The aim of the City is to make the ruts official snowmobile trails. After the official proceedings, the trails would then become permanently available for winter use.
There are currently official snowmobile trails in the Tahko and Nilsiä areas and in Juankoski. Trails are becoming official as the required plans get approved by the environmental authorities and the official proceedings are conducted.
The trails in Kuopio vary considerably in quality, which means that the snowmobiles must be appropriately equipped to handle different kinds of conditions and terrains. The trails also partly run on frozen lakes, and Lake Kallavesi, for example, has a deep-water channel that remains unfrozen for parts of the winter. Snowmobilists should exercise particular caution when moving around on the frozen lakes.
There are rest spots along the trails, some of which are even suitable for overnight accommodation.
The current trails lead from the Kuopio urban area to Tervo, Pielavesi, Lapinlahti, Kaavi, Rautavaara, Leppävirta and Suonenjoki. There are well-kept trails around the Tahko area as well. The trails are properly marked.
The trails are travelled at the snowmobilist’s own risk, within the restrictions set forth in applicable laws and decrees by which snowmobiling is generally regulated. Everyone’s rights allow for driving a snowmobile on frozen lakes, provided that the driver avoids disturbing those who reside by the lake and any other people they may encounter.
Guided safari tours adapted to various skill levels are arranged in the Tahko area.
Snowmobilists must keep to the trails and comply with the traffic regulations.
Snowmobile trails on Retkikartta service
In the Retkikartta service, you can view the hiking services of municipalities and Metsähallitus on a map. The map also works on mobile devices.
Establishing a snowmobile trail
Establishing a snowmobile trail
More information on snowmobile trails
- (in Finnish)
- Kuopio-Tahko
- Snowmobile trails in Kuopio
- Snowmobile trails on the Retkikartta service
- Tahko Trail Pool (in Finnish)
Contact information
Anna-Liisa Koponen
Design engineer