WHO Healthy Cities Network

The World Health Organization (WHO) Healthy Cities Network is a cooperation network of European cities that has been operational since 1988. The objective of the Healthy Cities Network is to support cities in the promotion of wellbeing. The network serves as a forum for meetings, facilitating the exchange of experiences, common policies and development projects among its members.
Kuopio has been part of the WHO Healthy Cities Network since 2005. Turku and Helsinki also represent Finland in the network. In total, the Healthy Cities Network involves around 100 cities. The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) coordinates the national network in Finland.
The activities of the Healthy Cities Network are guided by themes that vary depending on the phase of the programme. The current, seventh, phase will be implemented between 2019 and 2025. This phase emphasises the themes of the 2018 Copenhagen Consensus. Its vision is in line with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The seventh phase focuses on people, participation, prosperity, planet, place and peace.
Phase VII core themes:
- People – investing in the people
- Places – designing urban places that improve health and well-being;
- Participation –fostering greater participation and partnerships
- Prosperity – improving community prosperity and access to common goods and services
- Peace – promoting peace and security
- Planet – protecting the planet and promoting sustainable development
Annual conferences of the WHO Healthy Cities Network
The WHO Healthy Cities Network organises an annual conference to release the network’s political statement and showcase how the cities involved in the network promote the wellbeing and health of
their residents. Kuopio has actively participated in the conferences. Below, you can find the released statements and the oral presentations and posters from Kuopio presented at the conferences.
Statement published at the conference: Political statement of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network: towards thriving societies – advancing health in the well-being economy
Oral presentations:
- Tilles-Tirkkonen T, Vuorinen M, Aldea-Löppönen A, Joubert N & Mäki-Opas T. SOLA Calculator for assessing well-being.
- Rönkkö E, Hentilä H-L, Luusua A, Juuti E & Markkanen P. Urban planning for better-prepared, pandemic-resilient and healthy cities.
Presentations in the Book of Abstracts:
- Rekola H, Kinnunen K. Sveins P, Tehnunen J, Strömmer J, Borgström J, Paronen E. Surakka A, Saijonkari M, Pentikäinen H, Lakka T, Tilles-Tirkkonen T, Länsimies H & Mäki-Opas T. Digital lifestyle intervention to effectively improve mental health.
- Sorola S, Kraav S-L, Koivumäki N-E, Vartiainen P, Tarvainen M, Karjalainen P & Vornanen R. Game over? Developing and piloting a multidisciplinary intervention for young NEET adults.
Read the news from the conference: Healthy and thriving cities demand social, economic, human and planetary well-being (who.int)
Statement published at the conference: Operationalizing a One Health approach: political statement of the WHO European Healthy Cities Network
Oral presentations:
- Porkka M., et al. Service desing as integral part of the development in a human-centric digital municipality – Case Kuopio.
- Turunen K., et al. Heartful co-operation towards healthier future.
- Varjonen S., et al. Food education mentoring for the whole municipality.
- Wuorisalo J. Climate security – leave no one behind.
Statement published at the conference: Healthy Cities for building back better
Oral presentations:
- Vähäsarja K., et al. Kuopio-aid for high-risk groups during the COVID-19 pandemic in the City of Kuopio.
- Holopainen A., et al. The digital leap during COVID-19 pandemic in the City of Kuopio.
- Huusko JM., et al. Digital Hackathons – designing new ways to offer social welfare and healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Forsman J., Culture Comes Along, Developing Cultural Participation and Social Inclusion in the Neighbourhoods in Kuopio, Finland.
- Kämäräinen P., et al. Living Lab services promoting health in the community through participation.
- Kokkonen K., et al. Clinical Coordination Centre (CCC) for Acute Mobile Integrated Social and Health care. Development of multiprofessional co-operation and communication in acute home care. Home Care Manager,
- Kämäräinen P., et al. Promoting well-being of the elderly through innovative safety technology –platform.
- Riepponen A., et al. Supporting the Oral Health of Youth and Children by Multidisciplinary Digital Intervention in Kuopio Public Oral Health Care.
- Mäkinen E. The Well-being Power Plant of Eastern Finland Advancing Health, Well-being and Social Involvement.
- Tanninen-Komulainen E., et al. Happy:d – social inclusion and well-being for young people through design.
Poster presentations:
- Holopainen A. Health Communities Facing Cyber Transformation.
Wihuri M. Local democracy belongs to everybody in City of Kuopio.
- Holopainen A. Health Communities Facing Cyber Transformation.
- Auvinen L. An open learning environment provides and increases wellbeing for all the community.
- Rönkkö E & Niilahti J. Finnish Forest Preschools as Places of Healthy Learning.
- Turunen K & Markkanen M. Senior citizens as asset for the society – a national project coordinated by Kuopio Community College.
- Ryynänen O-P., et al. A Bayesian model to identify factors associated with custody decisions in social care and child protection.
- Vartiainen T & Taira A. Communality based housing contributing to well-being, positive progression of studies and the formation of beneficial social contacts between students.
Oral presentations:
- Lintula V. & Wihuri M. Participatory budgeting in an elderly home care center
- Arpola T. & Karjalainen A. Game Scene in Kuopio – Co-operation to Promote Healthy Gaming and Youth Welfare
- Arpola T. & Juutinen A-M. New digital services via open innovation challenge competition.
Poster presentations:
- Kouri P. & Kovanen R. Elements of Good and Sustainable governance in Project collaboration on Vulnerable Groups Services between Kuopio of Finland and Maputo of Mozambique
- Ryynänen O-P., et al. ASKO Customer Card Project: An innovative minimum data tool for home care management
- Forsman J. Using drama method to avoid school bullying
- Pärjälä E., et al. Impact of small scale wood combustion on local air quality and possibilities to decrease the impacts: example from South Europe (Macedonia) and North Europe (Finland)
- Bykachev K., et al. Video Conferencing (VC) in Child Psychiatry –Better Care with Less Travel?
- Turunen K., et al. Increasing wellbeing and healthy aging in Eastern Finland
- Juutinen A-M. & Kainulainen S. Digital and Multiorganisational Service Integration
- Kettunen T. & Kuuluvainen M. The low-carbon energy plan of the Savilahti district in City of Kuopio, Finland