The event calendars of Kuopio

There are several event calendars for events organised in the Kuopio region. The calendars can be used free of charge for both searching for and announcing events.
Kuopio-Tahko (in Finnish)
This event calendar lists all the events in Kuopio, Tahko, and the North Savo region by date and topic.
Kuopion Seinä (in Finnish)
The Kuopion Seinä (the Kuopio Wall) calendar includes events that promote the well-being of people of all ages. The calendar also lists cultural events as well as holiday events and hobbies for children and young people.
Menoinfo (in Finnish)
Menoinfo is an open event calendar by the Savon Sanomat newspaper. Announcements published on the calendar are also published in the Kuopion Menot column in the Savon Sanomat printout.
I Love Kuopio city guide (in Finnish) offers tips for shopping and leisure in the centre of Kuopio. The Kuopio City Centre Development Association (Kuopion kaupunkikeskustan kehittämisyhdistys ry) provides information on events taking place in the city centre area.
Content creation agency Oodia (in Finnish)
The content creation agency Oodia’s event calendar lists sports, culture, and well-being events in Kuopio and Tahko.
Events in Kuopio libraries (in Finnish)
Events at the Kuopio City Library and local libraries, and remote events.
Events in Kuopio museums (in Finnish)
Exhibitions and events of the Kuopio Art Museum, Kuopio Museum, Old Kuopio Museum, and the J. V. Snellman Home Museum.
Events planning calendar (in Finnish)
In the planning calendar, you can find information about upcoming and planned events in Kuopio. The calendar is not meant to be all-inclusive. The goal is to avoid overlap and gather information about events that may have an impact on the availability of accommodation and event spaces to support the event industry.