Kuopio Music Centre

Kuopio Music Centre
The Kuopio Music Centre is one of the most noteworthy concert and conference venues in Finland. It is the heart of the region’s music scene and the home of the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra. The elegant and versatile facilities of the Kuopio Music Centre are ideal for organising meetings, conferences and exhibitions as well as different types of business events. The Music Centre is a hub for local culture year-round. There is plenty on offer for friends of music, dance and all kinds of performing arts and culture. The Music Centre hosts concerts by prominent Finnish entertainment artists as well as the concerts of the Kuopio Symphony Orchestra with their guest conductors and visiting soloists. The Music Centre hosts more than 300 events each year, serving around 100,000–150,000 visitors. The Music Centre is also home to three music and dance schools: the Kuopio Conservatory, the Kuopio Unit of Uniarts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy, and the School of Music and Dance of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences. They offer high-quality basic and vocational education in music and dance. Restaurant Oodi (Kanresta Oy) is responsible for the restaurant services of the Music Centre. Read more about the programme, premises and services of the Kuopio Music Centre.
Kuopio Music Centre
Street address:
Kuopionlahdenkatu 23
70100 Kuopio
Facebook | Instagram
Kuopio Music Centre ticket sales 0600 96100 (1,98 e/min.+ domestic call charge)
Tickets to the Music Centre’s events also available at:
Lippupiste Oy online shop www.lippu.fi, Lippu.fi sales points at Sokos Department Stores across the country, R-kioski (only pre-booked tickets) and the Kuopio City Theatre.
Jari Eskola
+358 44 7182 361
Producer and Publicist
Elina Prepula
+358 44 7182 364
Producers / Kuopio Music Centre premises booking (concerts, meetings, parties, seminars etc.)
+358 44 7182 371, +358 44 7182 378