Viksu Kuopio label

Viksu Kuopio -tunnus taustakuvalla

One of the main objectives of the City of Kuopio strategy is to make Kuopio a climate and resource wise city. Kuopio favours the use of renewable energy, smart mobility, and circular economy. We take care of the region’s biodiversity. Resource wise consumption has been included in the City of Kuopio’s operational and financial planning. The work is steered by means of a Resource Wisdom Programme, which covers six different themes. The City of Kuopio is committed to aim for carbon neutrality by 2030 as well as zero waste and a globally sustainable consumption level by 2050.

By using resources wisely, organisations and other actors can obtain the Viksu Kuopio label. The purpose of the Viksu Kuopio label is to encourage everyone to engage in resource wise consumption and to talk about what they do to achieve this. Let’s make Kuopio smart together!

The label is granted by the Resource Wisdom Programme steering group 1–2 times a year. The criteria for obtaining the label are that

  • the organisation has made resource wise consumption a part of their operation
  • the organisation has a designated responsible person, such as an eco-support person or other person responsible for resource wise consumption or environmental issues
  • the organisation has carried out an initial assessment and selected development measures
  • the organisation takes action that promotes resource wise consumption and actively communicates about it.

Suggest your organisation for the Viksu Kuopio label

Fill in the form here

Recipients of the Viksu Kuopio label

Below is a list of the names of organisations that have received the Viksu Kuopio label followed by the year they received the label.


For more information

Mari Turunen

Environmental Specialist, Energy Advisor