Implementing organized climate work in Pohjois-Savo region -project

Implementing organized climate work in Pohjois-Savo region -project has started large-scale climate cooperation between 15 different municipalities and regional municipalities. The project aims to achieve climate goals and embed climate work in the everyday activities of municipalities. Visible and open climate work will increase the appeal of the Pohjois-Savo province and regions, among other things and the economic life.
The project develops the communication, monitoring and consideration of climate issues in the procurements made by the municipalities and embeds climate work in the municipalities’ everyday work, financial management and decision-making. The municipalities that have been doing climate work for a long time can be an example for municipalities that are starting climate work during the project. With the help of the three-year project, employees of municipal organizations are supported in climate work, and various campaigns and events are implemented for residents and companies.
The City of Kuopio is the main implementer of the group project, and the sub-implementers are the City of Iisalmi, Navitas Business Services and Development Company SavoGrow Ltd. The climate work in the municipalities is carried forward by the regional climate coordinators and by the project and communication manager who coordinates the overall implementation. The project is financed by the Northern Savo Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the participating municipalities.
The most important targets of the project:
1) Cooperation and the sharing and implementation of good practices and operating models
2) Incorporating climate change preparedness and adaptation into operations
3) Implementation of climate programs and development of climate and financial management
4) Impressive climate communication and participation
5) Including climate and circular economy aspects in procurement and investment processes
As a result of the project, climate management will become part of the municipalities’ overall operations and decision-making. Also the municipalities’ climate emissions will decrease, and municipalities will have an understanding of the effectiveness of targeted climate measures and their effects on procurement. In municipal organizations, operators’ awareness of the climate effects of their own work and their own influence opportunities increases, for example, with the help of the support provided by the climate coordinators and the informative lectures organized in the project. Along the project, climate work will be started in municipalities where it has not been started earlier.
As a result of the project, an open and digital climate management system is used in the regions, which makes monitoring the progress of climate goals real-time, open and understandable.
The system also enables different stakeholders to participate and commit to climate work. Along the project, climate communication will be more visible and impressive.
The operational models, networks and increased regional municipal cooperation created together in the project accelerate the achievement of climate goals and the conditions for a climate-wise life. Adapting to and preparing for climate change brings financial savings to municipalities and strengthens regional resilience and security of supply.
The webpage of the group project can be found at
Further information
Stella Siitonen
Project and communication manager
Regional Environmental Protection Services
Tanja Pöyhönen
Climate coordinator
Regional Environmental Protection Services