Energy saving campaign

On this page, we will update information on the energy saving campaign and tips for how to prepare for possible power cuts caused by the energy shortage. Page updated on 20 January 2023.
In autumn 2022, Finns were encouraged to save energy due to the prevailing global situation. The war in Ukraine led to rising energy prices and problems in energy availability in Finland and throughout Europe. In the winter of 2022–2023, the costs of electricity use and heating were exceptionally high. People were also urged to prepare for potential shortages of electricity at times. Together, we have been able to contribute to reducing the risks associated with energy availability.
On this page, we have compiled important information on the topic and tips for saving energy. You can choose those that best suit your everyday life. We also provide information on the City of Kuopio’s energy saving measures.
Although the worst energy crisis seems to have passed for now, we encourage all Kuopio residents to pay attention to their own energy consumption and to save energy.
The City of Kuopio has participated in the Finnish state administration’s joint energy saving campaign Down a Degree and promoted the campaign’s message in its own communication channels. During the campaign, we have shared energy saving tips and organised municipal events related to saving energy.
Local residents have access to regional energy advice services, which offer impartial and free energy advice to residents, municipalities and SMEs throughout the North Savo region. Residents are given advice on matters such as heating, renewable energy, devices and appliances, consumption, and mobility. Municipalities and SMEs are provided with information on energy efficiency agreements and the benefits of joining them as well as information on energy-related matters and good practices. Municipalities and SMEs are also encouraged to carry out energy audits.
Information on energy saving and preparing for potential power cuts:
Impact of possible power cuts on city services
National Down a Degree campaign
National Down a Degree campaign
The Finnish state administration’s joint energy saving campaign Down a Degree offers concrete tips for saving energy and reducing electricity consumption peaks at home, at work and in transport. The campaign was launched on Monday, 10 October 2022.
Saving energy is especially important during consumption peaks, which are usually on weekday mornings between 8:00 and 10:00 and afternoons between 16:00 and 18:00.
The goals of the campaign are making more than 95% of Finns save energy, cutting electricity consumption by 5% during peak hours, and achieving a permanently lower level of energy consumption in the long term.
Goals of the campaign:
- All Finns make concrete and rapidly effective acts to save energy.
- Independent reduction of electricity during peak hours – weekdays between 8:00 and 10:00 and between 16:00 and 18:00 – by postponing the use and charging of electrical devices.
- Reduction of energy consumption throughout society; homes and housing companies, businesses, municipalities, associations and educational institutions, as explained on Motiva’s campaign website.
Down a Degree is a joint campaign organised by Motiva, Energy Authority, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of the Environment, and Sitra.
Tips for saving energy
The state administration’s Down a Degree campaign page contains plenty of tips on how to save energy in housing companies, apartment buildings, single-family homes, educational institutions, and companies. Read more energy saving tips on the Down a Degree campaign page.
Examples of how to save energy:
- lower room temperature
- consider how you use air conditioning
- take shorter showers
- consider how you use lighting
When considering energy saving measures, it is good to also keep in mind the perspectives of housing health and the indoor environment. For more information, please see the links below:
- Energy saving in households (THL, in Finnish)
- Home and household (Motiva)
- Saving energy is preparedness (Motiva, in Finnish)
- Tips for saving energy (Kuopion Energia, in Finnish)
- Tips for calculating energy consumption (Savon Voima, in Finnish)
Preparing for potential power cuts
Everyone should be prepared for potential power cuts caused by a shortage of electricity during the coming winter. If Finland encounters a situation in which electricity consumption exceeds production capacity, the transmission system operator Fingrid will decide on the initiation of controlled power cuts. The power cuts will be circulated in two-hour intervals until the power shortage ends. Power shortages can occur in an anticipated or unexpected manner.
Fingrid and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will keep citizens informed on the electricity shortage situation. Distribution network companies will communicate about power cuts with their own customers.
Fingrid’s State of the power system service provides real-time data on the production, consumption and forms of production of electricity.
The website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment contains information on the formation of potential power shortages and advice on how to act during a power cut.
Even under normal conditions, power cuts of several hours may occur due to various reasons, such as storms or faults.
Concrete instructions on how to prepare for a power cut at home can be found at
A home emergency kit refers to food and other essentials that can be found at home in case you cannot get to a shop. The home emergency kit should contain provisions for at least three days, even a week. The home emergency kits consists of regular food items and other essentials which are supplemented as they are used. This way all food items are kept fresh and usable.
Read more about this topic:
- Preparing for a power cut (Rescue services)
- Information regarding electricity shortages (Fingrid)
- Fingrid press release: Several uncertainties in the adequacy of electricity in the coming winter – Finns should be prepared for possible power outages caused by electricity shortages
- Information on electricity shortages (Savon Voima, in Finnish)
- Electricity shortage (Kuopion Energia)
- Information on the impact of potential power shortages on water availability (Kuopion Vesi Oy, in Finnish)
Energy saving measures by the City of Kuopio
The City of Kuopio’s service areas and subsidiaries have compiled enhanced energy saving measures for the coming years and especially for the coming winter season. The measures will be used to prepare for reducing electricity consumption peaks in the coming winter and to participate in securing a sufficient electricity production capacity at the national level. Energy saving measures aim at saving electricity, heat, and water.
Energy saving measures taken by the City of Kuopio and its subsidiaries include:
- Moderate lowering of indoor temperatures at sites where this is possible, taking into account the nature of activities, e.g. offices, classrooms, corridors, and storage facilities.
- Re-examining the operating times of air conditioning to ensure that the ventilation in premises corresponds with the actual need.
- Optimising the use of lighting, taking into account safety considerations, for example, by investigating the possibilities of turning off, dimming or changing the timing of lighting in street and public areas in suitable locations, replacing indoor lamps with LED lighting and using timers in indoor lights, reducing the outdoor lighting of properties during the night, and speeding up the upgrade process of control systems and lighting in streets and public areas.
- Optimising the electrical energy used for the cooling of premises.
- Investigating the possibilities of utilising demand response services in the city’s building stock.
- Optimising the electricity supply of car heating posts and the operation of electrical snow melting systems in buildings.
- Shutting down devices for the night and for periods when they are not used.
- Emphasising the importance of the role of the users of premises and devices through active communication and advice to staff, municipal residents, and stakeholders.
- Replacing interior lamps with LED lamps and using timers for indoor lighting.
- Investigating the potential utilisation of solar power in the city’s own operations and the expansion of the existing solar power plant.
- Taking into account electricity and water consumption in the procurement of devices.
The energy savings generated by the measures are roughly 25,000 MWh per year (for comparison, the consumption of an average single-family house with electric heating is 15–20 MWh, which means that the energy savings equal the annual consumption of an average of 1,400 single-family houses with electric heating), which is equal to around 2.2 million euros at the energy prices of the coming heating season. Different energy prices (cnt/kWh) have been used in the calculations, so the estimate in euros is only indicative.
The city and its companies have been actively engaged in energy efficiency measures for several years. However, the measures now being taken will achieve a significant impact as a whole.
Frequently asked questions
Read more about saving energy, preparing for power shortages, and electricity contracts on the Frequently asked questions page.
Information and assistance for large energy bills
Read more about different forms of support on the website of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Regional energy advice service
Mika Kemppainen, energy advisor
+358 44 718 2102
Niiralan kulma
Joni Mäenpää, service manager
+358 44 7655 380
Kuopio Student Housing Company
Annamaija Niemelä
communications coordinator
Energy Authority,
phone service for consumers
Mon–Thu 9:00–11:00
tel. +358 29 5050 250
More information available on the Energy Authority’s website.