Climate smart living in Kuopio

Kaksi henkilöä seisoo Vilkku-kaupunkipyörien kanssa ja katsoo toisiaan.
Climate smart living is made easy in Kuopio! This page contains tips for different areas of life to help the residents of Kuopio make climate wise choices.

Smart mobility

Mobility accounts for about one third of the average Finn’s carbon footprint, nearly 3,000 kg of carbon dioxide. A large part of this is due to the use of cars and the extensive environmental impact of fossil fuels.

By driving less and giving up fossil fuels we can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our lifestyle. This also helps promote health and well-being and makes our surroundings more enjoyable.

Smart housing solutions

Housing accounts for a significant share of the carbon footprint of an average Finn, approximately 2,500 kg or one quarter of our entire climate impact. The carbon footprint of housing consists mainly of the consumption of heat and electricity produced using fossil energy. The construction and furnishing of buildings also cause harmful emissions.

On the other hand, a large climate impact means great potential for reducing emissions

• when switching to renewable energy sources in heating,
• when switching to certified green electricity,
• when renovating a building to improve its energy efficiency
• when moderating energy consumption.

Choosing a green electricity provider is the easiest solution in terms of its impact. In Kuopio, around half of consumer electricity is produced using renewable sources. District heating households in Kuopio also have the option of choosing renewable wood district heating in their contract. An increasing number of households produce renewable heating energy using geothermal heat, outdoor air, and exhaust air from buildings. Solar energy is also a sensible complementary solution for both electricity and heat production.

Smart food choices

The carbon footprint of the average Finn’s diet is approximately 1,750 kg. More than two thirds of this is caused by meat and dairy products, which account for approximately one third of the food consumed. This means that animal-based food products have a large carbon footprint.

Based on food consumption data, the current average diet contains meat well beyond nutritional recommendations. By avoiding meat and favouring healthier and nutritionally balanced vegetable-rich options, wild-caught fish and legumes, the carbon footprint can be radically reduced. Transitioning from the current average diet to a vegan diet is estimated to halve the carbon footprint.

Climate smart habits

Most of the climate impact of our lifestyle is caused by the consumption of goods and services related to home, recreation, and hobbies. Our current habits of consuming goods and recreational services result in an average carbon footprint of more than 3,000 kg. The difficulty in reducing one’s carbon footprint is that the impact of individual purchases is usually quite small. The environmental impact of one electronic device, piece of clothing, toy, sports equipment, or furniture is not big, but as a whole, our current level of consumption is unsustainable.

The City of Kuopio has calculated its carbon footprint. The calculation of consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions aims at estimating all the emissions from municipal residents’ consumption regardless of where the consumed commodities were produced.

In Kuopio, the largest emissions from consumption are caused by energy consumption, food, transport, and goods and services. Kuopio aims to halve its consumption-based carbon footprint by 2030 from the 2005 level.

You can find Sitra’s tips on more sustainable consumption here.

For more information

Mari Turunen

Environmental Specialist, Energy Advisor