Climate change and city emissions

Aurinkolasku näkyy puiden läpi, voimalaitoksen piipuista nousee höyryä.

There are also signs of climate change in Kuopio. Temperatures and the number of heat waves have increased, posing a significant health risk, especially for elderly residents. Indoor temperatures are already high at times, increasing the need for air conditioning, especially in nursing homes. On the other hand, the need for heating buildings during the winter season is decreasing.

Climate change also leads to higher humidity, which intensifies mould problems in buildings and may decrease their service life. Simultaneously, increased wind-driven rain poses a risk to building structures as well. Therefore, accumulation of moisture in structures must be prevented and sufficient drying ensured.

Heavy rainfall events have also become more frequent and can cause surface water flooding, especially in urban environments. Management solutions for water drainage must improve in the urban environment, both through sufficient organic absorption into the ground and an effective water drainage network.

The warming climate will prolong the growing season, and the abundance ratios of plant and animal species will probably change. The eutrophication of water bodies is another challenge, connected to the warming climate as well as an increase in nutrient load such as Nitrogen.

Land use and infrastructure planning can affect the vulnerability of communities in the long term. At the same time, safeguarding biodiversity is a key issue in adapting to climate change.

We can adapt to climate change in many ways. Adapting efforts aim to prevent or mitigate the negative effects of climate fluctuations and to benefit from positive effects.

Climate change can no longer be completely prevented, but we can reduce its harmful effects. This means that we in Kuopio will also need to adapt to some of the effects. The scale of the change depends on all of us. Each of us can reduce emissions and the speed of climate change globally by making climate-smart choices. Read more about climate smart living in Kuopio.

The City of Kuopio’s CO2 emission reduction goals

The city of Kuopio has worked for a long time to slow down climate change and curb greenhouse gas emissions. The city drew up its first climate strategy in 2003. The climate policy program for the years 2020–2030 was approved at the end of 2020. In 2024, the climate policy program was updated together with the resource wisdom program and they were merged into a new climate and resource wisdom program (Viksu Kuopio 2035).

Kuopio aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2030 compared to the level of 2007. The amount of emissions to be reduced is 542 kt CO2-eq without industry and, if industry is included, 663 kt CO2-eq. Taking into account the impact of earlier decisions, the Kuopio Climate Policy Programme estimates the reduction in the city’s own operations to be 173 kt CO2-eq.

In addition, the aim is to halve the consumption-based carbon footprint from the 2005 level by 2030.

Image: Kuopio’s greenhouse gas emissions from 2006-2022, including industrial emissions (data source: Kuopio’s CO2 report 2024 / Sitowise) and the emission reduction need until 2030 according to the emission reduction target.

Monitoring CO2 emissions in the city

The city regularly monitors its greenhouse gas emissions using the results of Sitowise Oy’s annual CO2 report. For Kuopio, consumption-based CO2 emissions have been estimated using the model developed in the Kulma project, and calculations have been made for 2022. GHG emissions from the City of Kuopio can also be found in the weekly emission graph of the CO2 report, which includes the greenhouse gases with the highest climate impact. For more information, see below.

Municipal and regional CO2 emissions data can also be found in the online services maintained by the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke):

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For more information

Mari Turunen

Environmental Specialist, Energy Advisor