Participation in urban planning

Kuopion kaupunki / Kuva tuotettu Euroopan sosiaalirahaston tuella (projekti S21894).

Municipalities prepare city and town plans and other plans to affect the future living environment. Residents and actors are experts in their own living environment, who have information about the area and its history. The information and opinions of municipal residents are communicated through participation in decision-making. 

The City of Kuopio prepares a zoning review once a year, which includes an overview of current and soon-to-be-launched city plans. 

Participate and leave an opinion or a reminder during the city plan viewing period 

You should participate in as early a stage as possible. In addition to the opinions and reminders left during the viewing period, you can participate in public events organised on the basis of the plan and contact the planner at all stages of the work. An announcement is used to inform the public about the viewing period of the plans and the public event related to it. You can find the announcements of the plans on the city plan or master plan website as well as in the announcements on the website. 

Participate and influence in the various phases of the planning process 

More information on participating in land use planning 

Download files

Kuopio suunnittelee ja rakentaa 2024 in Finnish (Kuopio plans and builds 2024)

Planning application 

Contact information 

City planning 

Suokatu 42 A, 2nd floor 

PO Box 1097, 70111 Kuopio 

Strategic land use 

Suokatu 42 A, 2nd floor 

PO Box 1097, 70111 Kuopio