Traffic lights

Kuopio uses a decentralised traffic light system, in which each junction has an independent control instrument. The control instruments are connected via a cable network. The operation of the lights and possible faults can be viewed from the workstation using the monitoring system.
Some intersections use only interconnected programmes (centre area). Some of the intersections are under so-called separate guidance. Some intersections can use both. In general, traffic lights have several light programmes for different traffic situations, such as morning and evening jams and daytime traffic. The rotation times of the different programmes vary between 60 and 90 seconds. Adaptive traffic light control is used in the Puijonlaaksontie, Savilahdentie, Leväsentie and Tasavallankatu areas.
Kuopio and Siilinjärvi traffic lights (pdf)
General plan for traffic lights
A general plan for traffic lights was drawn up for Kuopio in 2019. The plan includes a list of planning principles, an assessment of the need for traffic lights and the development of equipment. The plan contains guidelines for the development of traffic lights until 2030. The plan also includes decisions on operating times for traffic lights. The Urban Structure Board approved the general plan on 4 September 2019 (section 164).
General plan for Kuopio’s traffic lights 2030 (pdf)
Adaptive traffic light control
Adaptive traffic light control has been introduced in Kuopio in 2021–22 as part of the Kuopio Intelligent Transport Infrastructure project (Kuopion älykäs liikenneinfra, KÄLLI). Adaptive traffic light control is available on Tasavallankatu, Savilahdentie and Puijonlaaksontie roads, as well as on Saaristokatu, Leväsentie and Volttikatu. A total of 21 intersections are connected to the adaptive system. However, the adjustment of the system continues.
In the city centre area In areas outside the city centre Weekdays from 6:30 to 22:00 Weekdays from 6:00 to 23:00 Saturdays from 8:30 to 22:00 Saturdays from 8:00 to 22:00 Sundays from 8:30 to 21:00 Sundays from 8:30 to 23:00 The general plan approved by the Urban Structure Board specifies the operating times of the traffic lights.
In traffic-controlled connections outside the city centre, traffic lights can be operational 24 hours a day for traffic safety reasons. These include the Rauhalahdentie-Leväsentie junction and the Petosentie junctions.
Maintenance of traffic lights
When the lights are in “yellow flash mode”, this is usually a fault, for example, a processor card fault. Before, lamp failures were very common. Nowadays, LED indicators are used to an increasing extent, as they have fewer defects.
Traffic light maintenance is performed by Mestar Kuopio Oy. There is no evening or weekend on-call service. Traffic light faults can be reported to the traffic light service numbers on weekdays.
At other times, you can report a dangerous situation (e.g. crash situations with a risk of electric shock) to Kuopio Energia’s on-call service. You can leave non-urgent notifications and feedback via the City of Kuopio’s feedback service. In accordance with the agreement made, Kuopio is also responsible for maintaining traffic lights in Siilinjärvi. The work is performed by Mestar.
Fault notifications on weekdays between 7:00 and 15:30
Urgent fault notifications at other times