Parking control forms

This page lists forms for different purposes. By clicking on the title, you will get more detailed information on the subject and also find the links to the electronic form.
Please note that the processing times of forms may vary.
If you feel that the decision on the parking fine is unfounded, you have the right to submit a written request for a correction to the parking supervisor within 30 days of receiving notification. The easiest way to submit a claim for a correction is on the customer service site for parking control, and log in to the service is with the case number for the fine and the vehicle’s registration number.
You can apply for a temporary parking permit from the City of Kuopio for family events and other similar short-term events. The permit must be applied for well in advance of the event, as it takes approximately three (3) working days to process the permit.
The parking permit application can be submitted using an electronic form. The parking permit application is also available as a .pdf form on the right side of the website and can be sent by e-mail to
In connection with the permit decision, instructions are also sent to the applicant, with which we oblige you to familiarise yourself. The Eastern Finland Police will also be informed of the decision.
Parking control aims to take into account possible parking needs for short-term stops in connection with moving and by informing about moving in advance, flexible operation can be ensured. As a rule, parking must take place in the plot area and otherwise in accordance with the parking regulations, and parking or stopping must not cause significant harm to other traffic, road use, pedestrians or cyclists. Emergency access routes must be kept free. The driver of the vehicle must be in the vicinity of the vehicle. After loading, the vehicle must be parked immediately in accordance with the regulations.
The notification on the move can be made by using an electronic form.
Parking arrangements in the plot are always at the discretion of the owner/holder of the plot, so parking must be carried out in accordance with the rules and traffic signs drawn up by the owner/holder of the plot. The law requires that the control of the plot only takes place on the basis of a contract or a separate request. The Road Traffic Act has been amended on 1 June 2020, and for this reason it must be taken into account that the traffic signs in the plot are in an appropriate condition.
A request for unauthorised parking can be made after the housing company/facilities manager has first attempted to notify on the unauthorised parking of the vehicle through their own actions. The notification can be submitted using an electronic form and the party submitting the notification must be the owner/holder of the plot or a representative authorised by the owner.
A notification made by a private person is not processed.
Kuopion Pysäköinti Oy is responsible for parking services in Kuopio.
When the payment machine is out of order, you must primarily use other payment methods. Payment methods are: coin, card, mobile payment or adjacent machine. If the payment cannot be made, parking must be carried out in another location. Mobile payment is in use in the street area of the City of Kuopio. The applications used for mobile payment are EasyPark, ParkMan and Moovy. More information about the content and operation these applications can be found on the application suppliers’ own pages. The faulty condition of the payment machine does not entitle you to park free of charge.
You can submit a fault report on the payment machine using an electronic form.
Mestar, a company owned by the City of Kuopio, is responsible for the maintenance and cleaning of streets, transport routes, green areas and sports facilities as well as the construction and maintenance of lighting networks. Mestar’s bulletins can be ordered by text message or e-mail by providing contact information. The communications system allocates bulletins by street address or postal code. In this way, the citizens of the municipality stay up-to-date on the snow ploughing of the traffic routes, the sanding and cleaning of the streets, as well as on various construction and maintenance works.