Sports facility planning

The planning of outdoor exercise facilities and sports venues in the City of Kuopio is the responsibility of green and recreational area planning.
General planning
The general plan of the outdoor exercise and sports area shows, for example, facilities for different sports, fixed furniture and structures, surface materials, flora, lighting, traffic arrangements and preliminary construction costs. In addition, the plan presents the adaptation of the area to its environment and its effects on the landscape.
Inclusion and decision-making
In the early stages of planning, the residents and property owners of the neighbouring area will be informed of the start of the planning work. For example, resident surveys, meetings with sports clubs and information and discussion events are organised at major planning sites.
Upon completion of the plan proposal, the Board shall approve the general plan for viewing, and the proposal shall be available for viewing for at least 14 days. The availability for viewing will be announced in the local newspaper and by letter to properties and key stakeholders bordering the area. Public events will be organised at major sites. Participants have the right to make a reminder about the proposal before the end of the viewing period.
Implementation planning
Based on the approved general plan, a construction plan will be drawn up to specify the design solutions, on the basis of which the site can be built.