Nearby sports facilities and playgrounds

The wide range of playgrounds provides a comfortable growing environment for toddlers and slightly older children in our city.
Playgrounds are colourful and imaginative, but they also have room for the children to create their own plays and use their creativity. There are plenty of swings, rocking animals and multifunctional jungle gyms for toddlers. For slightly older children, there are slides and swings, jungle gyms and parkour frames as well as fitness circuits.
The nearby sports facilities enable city residents of all ages to enjoy physical activity and playing. The ball fields are great for playing floorball, football, and basketball, and in the winter, many of the fields are frozen for ice skating.
Nearby sports facilities are available to everyone free of charge throughout the year. The facilities serve different age groups well and are safe and pleasant to use, promoting movement and play.
Nearby sports facilities and playgrounds in the central city area (pdf, in Finnish)
Nearby sports facilities and playgrounds in rural areas (pdf, in Finnish)
Playgrounds on the map
Learn more about individual nearby sports facilities!
Maintenance Services
PO Box 1097, 70111 Kuopio