Nature excursions

Regional environmental protection services, welfare promotion services and the Kuopio Museum of Natural History organise guided nature excursions and volunteer events during the summer and autumn. Excursions are held from the middle of May until September. We invite you to join us!
The excursions are open to everyone and free of charge. The exceptions are boat and bus excursions, for which adults are charged a participation fee of EUR 10, payment in cash.
The tour language is generally Finnish, but guidance for some of the excursions can be offered in English as well (as indicated with EN, see below). Two excursions are held in English.
You do not need to register for a trip, with a few exceptions. Advance registration is explained in connection with the excursion description. Advance registration for the separately mentioned excursions is done in the Municipality Service. Children arriving with an adult can be indicated in the additional information field.
In connection with excursions, the Vilkku bus is mentioned if the nearest stop is within 500 metres of the starting point of the excursion.
Excursion cancellations and changes in the excursions are possible and will be announced on this site.
Bird watching trip to Väinölänniemi
Tue 21.5. at 18 – 20 (alternative date 22.5.) (FI, EN)
This walking tour leads from Kuopionlahti via Rönö to Varvisaari and back. We will watch and listen to the various birds in the area, inhabiting both forests and lakes. The tour is guided in Finnish, but English explanations are possible. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus. If the weather isn’t suitable, the alternative date for the tour is Wednesday, 22.5.
The tour starts from Kuopionlahti at the pier at the end of Vuorikatu.
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2145.
Trash collection trip
Mon 27.5. at 15 – 17 (FI, EN)
Let’s pick up trash together on the shores of Lake Kallavesi from Kuopionlahti in the direction of Haapaniemi. At the same time, we will discuss the effects garbage has on nature. You can join us for as long as you want. Please bring your own water bottle, rubber gloves and closed footwear. The tour is guided in Finnish, but English explanations are possible. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at Kuopionlahti field, Kuopionlahdenkatu 12.
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2143.
Nature trip to Kolmisoppi Neulamäki
Wed 29.5. at 17.30-19.30 (EN)
Come and enjoy a guided evening walk in Kolmisoppi-Neulamäki nature reserve! We will walk on forest paths and learn more about Finnish nature and outdoor etiquette. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
Meeting point: parking lot next to the Neulamäki sports field (Neulamäen Urheilukenttä) at the end of Raiviopolku
More information from the tour leader: 044 718 2187
Lichen trip to Jynkänniemi
Tue 4.6. at 18-20 (FI, EN)
On the trip, we will explore a relatively unknown but abundant group of organisms: lichens! It’s a good idea to bring a magnifying glass if you have one. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at the parking lot south of Vaivanen pond, north of the road at Leirikyläntie 49
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2658
Trip to Valkeisenlampi
Wed 12.6. 17.30-19.30 (FI, EN)
We enjoy the summer evening by walking about 1.5 km around pond Valkeisenlampi. We admire the floral splendor of early summer and at the same time hear more about the diverse vegetation and nature of the area. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at the end of the Valkeisenlampi which is close to the theatre, at the corner of Valkeisenkatu and Teatterikuja
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2143
Wildflower Day Tour
Sun 16.6. at 12-15 (FI, EN)
We will get to know the theme species of the Finnish Wildflower Day, the goat willow (Salix caprea), and other plants in the area of Huuhanmäki. We will focus in particular on meadow and cultural species, which by that time of year have developed enough to be identified. Co-organised with KLYY (Kuopion Luonnon Ystäväin Yhdistys) – The Friends of Nature Association.
The tour starts at the foot of the Observatory in Huuhanmäki.
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2145
Volunteer Lupine weeding
Mon 17.6. at 17-19 (FI, EN)
Let’s safeguard Finland’s biodiversity together by eradicating an invasive alien species, large-leaved lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus). You can join us for as long as you like. Please be prepared with your own water bottle, gloves and rubber boots. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at the parking lot of Lidl in Haapaniemi, Tehdaskatu 12
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 1543
Volunteering to combat invasive alien species in the Halmejoki grove
Wed 10.7. at 16.30-19.30 (FI, EN)
Let’s safeguard Finland’s biodiversity together by eradicating an invasive alien species, Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). You can join us for as long as you like. Please be prepared with your own water bottle, gloves and rubber boots.
The tour starts at the parking lot at Halmejoentie 67. There will be a guide to the work sites from the parking lot every hour.
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2143
Edible and medicinal plants in Finland
To 11.7. klo 18-20 (EN)
During this walk, you will learn to identify tasty and healthy wild plants for cooking and also learn about their medicinal use, sustainable foraging and Everyone’s rights. Bring your own snacks, possibility to grill.
Meeting point Aaro Jalkanen’s statue, Puijonsarventie 78, Puijonnokka
More information: 040 573 8205
Volunteering to combat invasive alien species in Lillukkapuisto
Tue 16.7. at 10-13 (FI, EN)
Let’s safeguard Finland’s biodiversity together by eradicating an invasive alien species, Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). You can join us for as long as you like. Please be prepared with your own water bottle, gloves and rubber boots. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at the parking lot of the Rypysuon asukastupa, Rypysuontie 68
For more information, please contact the tour leader tel. 044 718 2145
Volunteering to combat invasive alien species in Päiväranta
Thu 18.7. at 17-20 (FI, EN)
Let’s safeguard Finland’s biodiversity together by eradicating an invasive alien species, Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). You can join us for as long as you like. Please be prepared with your own water bottle, gloves and rubber boots. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at the parking lot of the carpet washing place at the end of Petäjätie.
For more information, please contact the tour leader tel. 044 718 2145
Volunteering to combat invasive alien species in Julkulanranta
Tue 23.7. at 10-13 (FI, EN)
Let’s safeguard Finland’s biodiversity together by eradicating an invasive alien species, Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). You can join us for as long as you like. Please be prepared with your own water bottle, gloves and rubber boots. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
The tour starts at the parking lot at the end of the Koivuaho trail.
For more information, please contact the tour leader tel. 044 718 2145
Volunteering to combat invasive alien species in the Halmejoki grove
Wed 7.8. at 17-20 (FI, EN)
Let’s safeguard Finland’s biodiversity together by eradicating an invasive alien species, Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera). You can join us for as long as you like. Please be prepared with your own water bottle, gloves and rubber boots.
The tour starts at the parking lot at Halmejoentie 67. There will be a guide to the work sites from the parking lot every hour.
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2145
Bat Excursion
Thu 22.8. at 20.30-23 (FI, EN)
We get acquainted with the hidden life of bats on an excursion to Väinölänniemi, Rönönen and Varvisaari. Hiking on foot about 4 km. Co-organised with KLYY (Kuopion Luonnon
Ystäväin Yhdistys) – The Friends of Nature Association. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.The tour starts at Väinölänniemi outdoor gym, Väinölänniemi 26
For more information, please contact the tour leader tel. 044 718 2143
Finnish Nature Day Cruise
Sat 31.8. at 10-16 (FI, EN)
We cruise in South Kallavesi in the scenery of the National Urban Park. The place where we stop will be announced closer to the excursion. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus. Bring your own snacks. There is a fee of 10 € for adults.
Pre-registration until Monday, 12.08, 10am:
The tour starts at Passenger harbour, Makasiininkatu 1
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2143
One Health-themed nature walk
Tue 10.9 at 17:30-19:00 (FI, EN)
Welcome to the One Health-themed nature walk in the Väinölänniemi city park on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. One Health refers to the closely interconnected relationship of wellbeing and health of people, animals, and environment. During the walk, we will hear about the topic and discuss the well-being effects of the natural environment and the importance of nature connection. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
Meeting place: Väinölänniemi outdoor gym (address: Väinölänniemi 26).
Contact information: Coordinator of wellbeing promotion Tanja Tilles-Tirkkonen, p. 044 718 2506.
Mushroom trip
Sat 14.9. at 10-15 (FI, EN)
Bring a mushroom knife, basket and your own snacks. The trip is carried out in cooperation with Savon Sieniseura (Savo Mushroom Society). The price of the tour is 10 € for adults. The destination will be announced later. You can get close to the starting point of the tour by Vilkku bus.
Pre-registration until Monday, 12.08, 10am:
The tour starts by bus. Meeting point Maljalahdenkatu charter bus platform behind City Hall.
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 1543
Old forests of Vanuvuori
Sat 21.9. Departures at 11 am and 12 pm (FI, EN)
We hike in the forests of Vanuvuori Nature Reserve and get acquainted with the diverse life in an old-growth forest. On the way we will visit the Vanuvuori observation tower. The length of the route is about 3 km, including large differences in altitude and long stairs. At the end of the trip, you can eat your own snacks by the campfire. We arrange two departures at 11 am and 12 noon. The rond of the nature trail takes about 2 – 2.5 hours. Co-organised with KLYY (Kuopion Luonnon
Ystäväin Yhdistys) – The Friends of Nature Association.The tour starts at Vanuvuori parking lot, Koirakaarre 70
For more information, please contact the tour leader: 044 718 2143
Anniina Le Tortorec
Environmental protection planner