Nature excursions

Regional environmental protection services, welfare promotion services and the Kuopio Museum of Natural History organise guided nature excursions and volunteer events during the summer and autumn. Excursions are held from the middle of May until September. We invite you to join us!

The excursions are open to everyone and free of charge. The exceptions are boat and bus excursions, for which adults are charged a participation fee of EUR 10, payment in cash.

The tour language is generally Finnish, but guidance for some of the excursions can be offered in English as well (as indicated with EN, see below). Two excursions are held in English.

You do not need to register for a trip, with a few exceptions. Advance registration is explained in connection with the excursion description. Advance registration for the separately mentioned excursions is done in the Municipality Service. Children arriving with an adult can be indicated in the additional information field.

In connection with excursions, the Vilkku bus is mentioned if the nearest stop is within 500 metres of the starting point of the excursion.

Excursion cancellations and changes in the excursions are possible and will be announced on this site.


Anniina Le Tortorec

Environmental protection planner

+358 44 718 2143