Strategic forest plan

A strategic forest plan was drawn up for forests owned by the City of Kuopio and approved by the City Council on 21 February 2022. The strategic forest plan sets guidelines for the long-term use of forests and forest management methods, which are to be followed in practical activities.
In the preparation of the strategic forest plan, 50-year development forecasts were calculated for the forests owned by the city. The forecasts compared the development of periodic and continuous education using growth models. In addition, the development of forests was assessed with three different allowable cuts. Based on the development forecasts, the development of traditional forest identifiers, the development of biodiversity and the development of carbon sinks and stores. Additionally, residents were consulted through a resident survey and a webinar in connection with the preparation.
In the preparation process, a proposal for the principles of forest management in the city was made on the basis of development forecasts and consultation with residents. The prepared proposal was otherwise approved by the City Council as such, but the City Council required a separate plan for recreational use of nature.