Forest management

This page describes current forest management work and the related opportunities for exerting influence.
Forest management plan for urban forests in Neulamäki
In March 2022, the City of Kuopio launched the planning of forest management and use in the Neulamäki area. Planning began with a survey aimed at residents.
Based on the resident survey, plans have been drawn up for the management of forest areas. More than one third of the forests in the planning area are excluded from all measures in this plan. In some areas, biodiversity is added to by increasing the number of decaying wood on the ground. The plan aims to take into account the area’s natural values and the territories and nutritional areas of flying squirrels.
Changes in the remote landscape of the planning area are small and the forested character of the area is preserved. The forest management plan is presented as figures on the map. The plan is preliminary and it was available to commenting on it until 28 September 2022.
After the comments received, the plan will be specified, after which the city will apply for a landscape work permit in accordance with section 128 of the Land Use and Building Act.
In March, the City of Kuopio began planning urban forests in the Neulamäki area with a survey aimed at residents. The survey was sent by mail to approximately 370 owners of single-family houses and representatives of the housing company. It was also possible to respond to the survey electronically via the City’s website. A total of 196 responses to the survey were received. 97 inhabitants responded electronically to the survey, and 99 inhabitants returned the questionnaire by post in a return envelope.
In the first question, residents were asked about what was good about the nearby forests and what was causing issues. There were many responses and they were very different. Forest nature as a place for recreation, beautiful landscapes, outdoor recreation routes, exercise opportunities, forests with paths, greenness and lushness of forests, good mushroom and berry forests and many other things were a cause for joy. On the side of worry and concern were the obscuring of views, shading of forests, damage caused by trees to buildings, untidy forests, the darkness of the forest, bushiness, concerns about safety, excessive felling in the city area and the lack of natural forests.
In the second question, the residents’ wishes concerning trees growing on the edge of the plot were asked. The question provided a lot of information that can be used when thinnings and clearings are carried out.
The fourth question asked about future wishes regarding forest use. The responses highlighted the wishes for park-like forests, diverse forests, natural forests, forests with easy access, open landscapes, removal of thickets, the need for regular clearing and maintenance, increasing nature values, improving camping services, and active forest management and thinning.
The third question was a multiple-choice section of four questions, which asked about the suitability of different types of forest management measures or suitability of things for the forests of the area.
One in three respondents felt that no forest management measures needed to be carried out in the planning area. Almost 80 per cent of the respondents felt that decaying trees should be left in the terrain, and many also hoped adding more decaying trees. Residents’ responses will be taken into account in the plan drawn up for the area, and some of the planning area will be excluded from all measures this time.
The forest management plan for Neulaniemi is based on the principles of the Strategic Forest Plan of the City of Kuopio (21 February 2022). The proposals for measures in the plan have been prepared for each parcel on the basis of forest resource data, a vegetation survey of the master plan and a topographical inspection. Read more about the Strategic Forest Plan on our website.
The forest management fellings in Neulaniemi will be consulted on before the start of fellings and the wishes related to the harvesting are taken into account as much as possible. Comments on fellings have been requested to be submitted per actionable parcel. It has been possible to send comments on fellings in the Neulaniemi area to Heikki Soininen by e-mail up until 5 August 2022.
A new master plan for the Neulaniemi area in Kuopio was completed in 2020. Its implementation will change land use in the area. The planned forestry work will prepare the forests in Neulaniemi for the upcoming change in growth conditions caused by construction. It is estimated that the future housing construction in Neulaniemi will begin in the 2030s.
The trees in the green areas of the new neighbourhood will be strengthened to adapt to the winds and increasing light in the future housing areas. Current young forests will be developed into parks with a variety of different trees. Especially older spruces may suffer from increased light and wind. The objective is to preserve the vitality of trees, support forest biodiversity as land use changes and, in the long term, enable versatile recreational use of the Neulaniemi forests.
The planning area is divided into four different actionable parcels. A separate report has been prepared for each actionable parcel. The reports describe separately the measures to be carried out on the parcel, the basises of these measures and the consideration of various issues, such as recreational use and biodiversity. Various maps, photos and text are used as the presentation format.
The estimated start time for fellings will be in autumn 2022. The fellings are based on the forest data of the area and nature inventories carried out in connection with the preparation of the master plan. Other nature information has also been taken into account in the plans. Harvesting methods focus on thinning and continuous felling. The felling methods of all four actionable parcels are divided as follows:
- excision of holdovers 1.1 hectares
- harvesting 16.2 hectares
- small-scale clearcutting 8.5 hectares
- strip cutting 1.1 hectares
- thinning 87.4 hectares
- first thinning 7.3 hectares
- clearcutting 4 hectares.
Further information is available from the Forest Manager of the City of Kuopio, Heikki Soininen, Land Management Services, heikki.soininen(at)
Forest management in the Rahusenkangas and Kettulanlahti areas will begin in early 2022
Park forests will be thinned in the districts of Rahusenkangas and Kettulanlahti during the winter. The management of park forests is based on a residential survey conducted for the residents of the area and the feedback given by the residents of the area. The purpose of thinnings and clearcuttings is to improve the comfort of the residents of the area and to improve the general appearance of the area.
In the target area, trees are thinned and small trees are cleared. Timber, crowns and largest branches generated by felling are collected in piles and transported away for the needs of the forest industry or for chipping.
If the residents want the thinning to extend to the peripheral trees of the plots, the trees to be removed should be marked with tapes or an inspection must be held with a city representative. The peripheral trees of plots are trees that grow near the plot boundary within 20 metres of it.
Forestry work will start in week 2 and the mainly it will be implemented during winter 2022 and spring 2023. During the working period, it is hoped that movement in the area will be avoided for safety reasons. We apologize for the inconvenience we cause during the work to the residents and other travellers in the area.
More information about the work site
Jukka Laukkanen
Area Manager
Urban forests