Flying Squirrel LIFE

Kuopio is involved in an extensive EU project coordinated by Metsähallitus’ Parks & Wildlife Finland unit, the aim of which is to safeguard the favourable conservation status of the flying squirrel. The project started on 1 August 2018 and will continue until spring 2025.
The budget for the entire project is approximately EUR 8.9 million, of which the share of the City of Kuopio and the Kuopio Museum of Natural History is approximately EUR 630,000. In addition to cities, many actors from the forest sector and voluntary organisations are involved. In total, there are 18 partners, including Estonia, so the project covers the entire European range of the flying squirrel.
Among other things, Kuopio aims to develop operating methods for coordinating the protection of flying squirrels and land use planning together with Espoo and Jyväskylä, who are also participating in the project. Kuopio is also involved in developing methods for treating recreational forests in urban areas that reconcile the protection of flying squirrels and the needs of residents and hikers. In addition, Kuopio monitors the state of the flying squirrel population in the central urban area, improves the mobility of flying squirrels by planting trees and strengthens the flying squirrel population in recreational and conservation forests by offering enclosed nesting.
The Kuopio Museum of Natural History participates in the project with a versatile section related to environmental education and communication. The project involves hiring an envoy to organise lessons on flying squirrels in primary schools in Kuopio. Excursions, lectures and panel discussions are organised for the general public, and the museum also produces a travelling exhibition on flying squirrels.
LIFE is an EU funding scheme to promote the conservation objectives of Natura 2000 sites and to safeguard the favourable conservation status of species under the Habitats Directive. The flying squirrel is a strictly protected species of Annex IV to the Habitats Directive with unfavourable population development. The greatest threat is the reduction of suitable habitats. Projects focusing on species in Annex IV of the Habitats Directive have the possibility to receive up to 75 per cent of EU funding for the costs of the measures.
Consideration of flying squirrel in urban planning – Guide to good practices
A guide prepared by the partner cities of the Flying Squirrel LIFE project (Espoo, Jyväskylä, Kuopio) was published in 2021. The guide offers a look at good practices for coordinating the protection of the flying squirrel and land use planning.
The guide presents methods and tools recognised as good in the project cities, with which the habitat networks of the flying squirrel can be secured at the municipal level. The guide covers issues such as flying squirrel surveys and information management, land use planning and implementation, building projects and management of local and recreational forests owned by the city. The guide reviews the deviation permit process and discusses the use of mitigation measures in flying squirrel issues. The text also includes practical examples of the application of different operating methods in project cities.
The guide is primarily aimed at other municipalities, cities and authorities, but it also serves as an information package for city residents and organisations interested in flying squirrels and urban planning. The guide can also be applied to the protection of other species.
Flying squirrel in urban planning – Guide to good practices (pdf)
LIFE funding from the European Union has been received to produce the material. The content of the material reflects the views of its authors. The European Commission is not responsible for the use of the information contained in the material.
- Flying squirrel in urban planning – Guide to good practices (pdf, in Finnish)
- Flying squirrel monitoring in zoned locations (pdf, in Finnish)
- LIFE Annual Monitoring Report 2022 (pdf, in Finnish)
- Metsähallitus
- Jynkänvuori forest management plan (pdf, in Finnish)
- Pirttiniemi forest management plan (pdf, in Finnish)
Siberian flying squirrels are small, nocturnal mammals about 13 – 20 cm in size. In the European Union, they can only be found in Finland and Estonia, with the vast majority of the population located in Finland. Despite their name, they cannot actually fly – unlike bats, they don’t have wings. Flying squirrels instead jump from trees and spread their fore- and hindlegs, which opens a furry membrane between their ankles, allowing them to glide.
In this way, they can cover quite impressive distances: In Finland, studies have shown that flying squirrels are able to glide for about 80 meters. These long glides are risky, though, so the animals try to avoid them. The distance they can glide depends on the height of their starting point – if they jump off a 10-meter-high tree, for example, they can glide for 30 meters.
Elusive night-dwellers
Flying squirrels are elusive animals and only rarely seen. As their big, black eyes suggest, they are mostly active when it is dark. They can get up to 5 years old, but their average life span in the wild is about 1 -2 years.
Females have 2-3 pups in spring, usually around April and May, depending on where in Finland the population is located; pups in the South of Finland are born a bit sooner than in areas further north. Some females have a second litter around June. After the pups are fully grown, they will leave their mother’s territory to find their own. This is why connections between different habitats are very important for the conservation of the species.
Food preferences and habitat
When it comes to their habitats, flying squirrels prefer edge corridors of coniferous forests. They can be found in pristine taiga forests as well as mixed forests on abandoned land in urban areas and former agricultural habitats. While they prefer big spruce trees with holes or other injuries for their nests or resting sites, deciduous trees provide their food. Flying squirrels eat leaves in summer and tree pollen stands in autumn and winter – especially from aspen, birch and alder.
Per habitat, flying squirrels usually have around 6 – 7 different nesting and resting sites. They don’t build their nests themselves, but rely mainly on big woodpecker species to make holes in trees; ideally, the entrance to their chambers is too small for predators like martens to climb in. They also accept bird boxes and other artificial nesting opportunities.
Flying squirrels can increasingly be found in urban parks. A possible reason for this might be the habitat composition: trees growing in parks are often older and more diverse than those in managed forest areas, therefore offering a greater variety of feeding options. Furthermore, forest predators like martens are scarce in urban parks.
Contact information
Anniina Le Tortorec
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