The management and use plan for Kuopio National Urban Park

The management and use plan for Kuopio national urban park has been drawn up. The management and use plan promotes the attractiveness of the national urban park area, drawing on its existing strengths. For example, the City of Kuopio has developed recreational services for the archipelago and, in particular, the island of Hietasalo, which is a part of the national urban park. In August 2022, Hietasalo’s great campfire hut was opened and it serves its visitors all year round. A pedestrian bridge was also built to the island, which makes access from the pier to the hut unobstructed during snowless seasons.
The management and use plan was prepared in cooperation with decision-makers, representatives of companies and communities as well as the residents. The draft of the plan was available for viewing in the autumn of 2021, during which it was still possible to give feedback. The plan was finalised in spring and summer 2022. The management and use plan for the Kuopio National Urban Park was approved at the meeting of the City Board on 24 October 2022, section 290 for further approval by the Ministry of the Environment.
The Ministry of the Environment has granted, among other things, funding for the preparation of the management and use plan from the discretionary renovation and development grants for national urban parks in 2020. The management and use plan for the Kuopio National Urban Park was prepared by Ramboll Finland Oy under the direction and commission of the City of Kuopio.
- Kuopio national urban park management and use plan 24 October 2022 (pdf, in Finnish)
- Appendix 1 Conservation markings for the cultural environment in city plans and master plans (pdf, in Finnish)
- Appendix 2 Archipelago land use areas and hiking structures (pdf, in Finnish)
What is management and use plan?
The management and use plan steers planning, landscaping, construction and street planning, among other things. In addition, the plan sets targets for companies and organisations in the region. The plan serves as a key starting point for promoting recreational use and tourism in the area. Unlike the master and city plans, the management and use plan has no legal effects.
An important part of drawing up the plan has been finding a common vision with the participants for the activities and development taking place in the area of the national urban park in the long term. In addition, the management and use plan takes into account the provisions necessary for the development of the area in order to ensure uniform, insightful development that respects the characteristics of the national urban park.
When granting the title of a national urban park, the Ministry of the Environment obliges to draw up a management and use plan. The management and use plan is approved by the Ministry of the Environment.
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Heli Pitkänen
Master Planning Manager