Lift grant

Housing services promote the construction and implementation of new lifts in Kuopio. A total of 100 new lifts have been completed in old apartment buildings between 1997 and 2023. The lift improves accessibility and comfort and increases the value of the house and shares. Kuopio still has many three-story or higher apartment buildings without lifts. 

A grant can be applied for the construction of lifts for apartments buildings from the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland ARA and the City of Kuopio. The purpose of the lift subsidy is to install a new lift in an old apartment building that does not already have a lift in its stairwell. The City of Kuopio’s grant is 25 per cent and ARA’s grant 35 per cent of the total costs, or a total of 60 per cent. Receiving the city grant requires a positive decision by ARA to implement the lift, while the ARA grant must be applied for before starting the work. The city can grant a maximum of EUR 40 000 per lift. 

In addition to the lift subsidy, ARA also grants aid for the removal of other obstacles to mobility, such as the automation and widening of exterior doors and the construction of the necessary ramps and railings. For these, the ARA grant is also 35 per cent of the total costs. 

The City of Kuopio assists the planning of lifts with a smaller amount (EUR 2 000 per stairwell or EUR 4 000 if there are two or more stairwells). Granting the planning grant does not require the construction of a lift, but it makes it possible to study the possibilities of implementing the lift and alternative solutions. After the implementation decision, a more detailed lift plan is included in the lift grant.

City of Kuopio, Housing and Service Network 

Pasi Manninen

construction supervisor, implementations

Katri Hiltunen

development manager