Housing for seniors
Kuopio has plenty of dwellings specifically designed and intended for seniors. Most of the apartments are rental apartments, but there are also separately built right-of-occupancy apartments for people over the age of 55. Most of the apartments suitable for seniors are so-called ARA apartments, i.e. apartments built with state ARAVA and interest subsidies and/or investment grants. An ARA rental apartment can be applied for by a resident who meets the conditions laid down in the ARAVA and Interest Aid Act. In right-of-occupancy apartments, the apartments are distributed again in accordance with the Right-of-Occupancy Act, in which case the resident’s order number determines the recipient’s individual apartment in the application situation.
Kuopion Vanhustenkotiyhdistys ry offers high-quality rental and right-of-occupancy housing for seniors in the vicinity of services. The association’s houses have been designed with the needs of older people in mind and they are easy to move around in with various aids. Some of the apartments are located in the activity centres (Keskusta, Pyörö, Mäntylä, Alava). The association has approximately 500 rental apartments, in addition to which it also has one right-of-occupancy building in Puijonlaakso.
Vanhusten ja lasten tukisäätiö (Support Foundation for the Elderly and Children) has two rental buildings for older people in Kuopio. One of the houses is located in Puijonlaakso and the other in Männistö.
Palvelutalo Lepola, a residential care home, offers communal rental housing and services to residents in the lush green environment of Puijonlaakso and very close to the centre of Kuopio. The same type of site that offers versatile services alongside rental housing is Nonna Kallavesi, which is located in Maljalahti by Kallavesi. Nonna Kallavesi was completed in Kuopio in spring–summer 2023.
The TA Companies Companies offers rental and right-of-occupancy housing for older people in Kuopio (senior apartments for over 55-year-olds). TA Companies has rental housing in Männistö and right-of-occupancy housing in Männistö and Pyörö.
Lumo Homes also has two Lumo senior sites in the centre of Kuopio. In these houses, the apartments are freely funded, i.e. there are no restrictions on income and wealth to rent these homes.
The rural communities of Kuopio have many rental apartments for older people (approximately 300). All the rural communities in Kuopio (Vehmersalmi, Karttula, Riistavesi, Nilsiä, Juankoski and Maaninka) have private or association housing that can be rented for the housing of senior people.
The Kuopio Housing and Service Network unit provides more information on housing for seniors in Kuopio.