Food control

The task of food control is to monitor and promote the safety and appropriate quality of foods and their handling as well as to prevent and eliminate health hazards caused by foods at all stages of food production and distribution.
Food control monitors the truthfulness of information provided on food products and protects the consumer from financial losses caused by foods that do not comply with food regulations.
The control targets food business operators that sell, serve, manufacture, import, store or transport foods, and operators that manufacture, import or distribute food contact materials. Supervising primary production of food is also part of food control.
The responsibility for food safety and compliance always rests with the food industry operator. Food control inspections are carried out regularly following the valid control plans and also on the basis of customer contacts. The results of systematic food control inspections are available to consumers on the Oivahymy website.
At national level, food control is directed by the Finnish Food Authority.
Read more about Oivahymy!
Contact the food control authority when:
• You are about to commence or terminate food business activities.
• The activities of your food premises are changing
• You are arriving in Kuopio with your mobile food premises and you are subject to the notification obligation
• You suspect a food poisoning
• You have a complaint about foods, food contact materials or activities relating to them and you have already contacted the premises that served or sold the food, its manufacturer or its importer.
Environmental Health Services
City Council building, Suokatu 42, 70110 Kuopio
PO Box 1097, 70111 Kuopio
Restaurants, cafés and industrial kitchens, food transport
Restaurants, cafés and industrial kitchens
Restaurants, cafés and industrial kitchens, mobile food premises, temporary food sales, bakeries
Food stores, wholesalers, food warehouses, primary production
Food industry, approved food premises, contact material operators, primary production