
On this page, you can find information on the real estate and building easements.
Real estate registration unit is responsible for handling real estate easements in the area covered by the city plan.
Construction inspector is responsible for establishing building easements, i.e. easements directed at a building, as well as joint arrangements.
The easements entered in the real estate register (cadastre) are valid even if the real estate is transferred to another owner.
Building project and easements
The basic premise is that the measures required for construction must be carried out on the real estate unit used as a building site. However, there are situations in which either the city plan or use of the real estate may require that the construction and land use be extended to some extent to another real estate unit. As a rule, this requires the written consent of the owner and holder of that real estate.
If the implementation of the building project requires the establishment of an easement, the building permit cannot be granted until the easement agreement and the application for its establishment and the necessary supporting documents have been submitted to the City of Kuopio.
Applying for easements
The following must be attached to the application:
- easement contract
- site plan and/or building drawing showing the location of the easement
- if the contracting party is a company, a copy of the minutes of the board of directors or general meeting in which the company has approved the easement agreement as binding on the company
The easement agreement must state the contracting parties to the easement, the real estate subject to the easement, the type of easement right (e.g. access right, water supply), whether compensation is paid for the right and the distribution of the costs of establishing the easement. In addition, the location of the easement area must be indicated in the map appendix.
Importance of establishing an easement
Once the real estate easement proceedings or the building control authority’s decision on the building easement has become legally valid, it is entered in the real estate register (cadastre), after which the easement will remain in force regardless of the change of ownership of the real estate.
Rights under the building or real estate easement may not be infringed when using, planning and making changes to the real estate Established easement are also binding on the permit authority, and a building permit or other permit cannot be granted in violation of the existing easements.
Application forms, costs
Easement application (online form, in Finnish)
Easement application (PDF form, in Finnish)
The costs of establishing real estate easements are charged according to the Cadastral survey fee (PDF, in Finnish).
The costs of establishing building easements and joint arrangements are charged according to the Payments for Building Control (PDF, in Finnish).
Real estate easements
A real estate unit can receive easement rights in the area of another real estate unit as permanent rights, and on the other hand, a real estate unit can be encumbered by the easement rights of another real estate unit.
Easements are established at the owner’s request in connection with parcelling procedure or in separate easement proceedings. In general, the establishment of an easement requires that the parties agree on it in writing in the easement agreement appended to the application.
Easement types are defined in section 154 of the Real Estate Formation Act. No other type of real estate easements can be established.
Contact information for real estate easements
Building easements
A permanent right to use a building or structure or a comparable measure can be established for a plot/a real estate that is a construction site, forming an easement for another real estate.
The establishment of a building easement requires the parties concerned to agree on it in writing. The building easement may be established if it promotes appropriate construction or use of the real estate, the easement is necessary for the holder of the easement right and it does not cause significant damage to the burdened real estate.
The establishment of a building easement usually requires the parties concerned to agree on it in writing. The building easement required in the city plan may be established even if the parties concerned do not agree on it, for example, to support a civil defence shelter, car parking, waste management, access and building elements.
The building easement may be changed or abolished if the parties concerned agree on it and the action does not hinder the appropriate construction, proper use or maintenance of the real estate or the implementation of the city plan. If no agreement is reached on compensation, the matter will be resolved in accordance with the Redemption Act.
The types of building easements are defined in section 80 of the Land Use and Building Decree. The list is exhaustive, i.e. no other building easement can be established.
Joint arrangement of real estates
If the implementation of city plan requires joint arrangements between several real estates, the municipal building control authority may, on the initiative of one real estate owner and after consulting other real estate owners or holders, in connection with construction or otherwise order the joint use of a block area or part of it.
The joint arrangement decision must include an arrangement plan. It lays down the criteria for the allocation and payment of the costs of the use of the area or space, its restoration and maintenance, and the arrangement.
A joint arrangement may be issued if the arrangement permanently promotes the use of several real estates and it does not cause an unreasonable burden on any real estate.
Where applicable, the same procedure must be followed when establishing the joint arrangement of real estates referred to in section 164 of the Land Use and Building Act.
Contact information for building easements and real estate joint arrangements
Regional building control services in Kuopio
PO Box 1097, 70111 Kuopio
Mon–Thu 8:00–15:30, Fri 8:00–14:00
Customer service:+358 17 185 174