Need for building permits

Most of the permits related to construction are granted by building control services.
Building permit and planning permission
A building permit is required for the implementation of many different construction projects. A building permit must be applied for before starting work. The need for a building and a planning permit is based on the Land Use and Building Act. Building and planning permits are granted for construction in accordance with the city plan. If your project does not comply with the master plan or the city plan that affects the area, consider whether the project can be implemented in accordance with the zoning. Deviations from the plan are granted by the planner. Construction and action permits are granted by regional building control services in Kuopio.
A building permit is required when
- constructing a building
- doing renovation or alteration work that is comparable to building construction
- building is being expanded
- space is to be added to the floor area of the building
- other repair or alteration work is carried out in which the work may apparently have an impact on the safety or health conditions of the users of the building
- the purpose of the building or part of it is substantially changed
- repairs or modifications of the external envelope or technical systems that can significantly affect the energy performance of the building are made.
In unclear cases, the need for a permit is decided on a case-by-case basis. It is good to note that even a minor measure may affect the safety of the building’s users and outsiders. In this case, the permit threshold is exceeded. A building permit is also required for building a sauna or a vehicle shelter. Changing the purpose of use of the summer cottage to a residential building requires a building permit, as does changing the purpose of use of the interior of the building. If the measure does not require a building permit, it may still require an action permit. If you are concerned about the need for a permit for your project, ask the building control services for advice either through Lupapiste’s advice request, by phone or email.
An action permit is usually needed when building
- a shelter, shed, toilet
- a mast, tank
- a pier more than 20 m2
- a wastewater treatment system
- for the construction of a geothermal well in a city plan area, an action area, a building prohibition area, a groundwater area, a water catchment area, and if the surface area of the construction site is less than 5,000 m2If you are concerned about the need for a permit for your project, ask the building control services for advice either through Lupapiste’s advice request, by phone or email.
Change permit
The plans and documents confirmed in the permit decision must be complied with. However, some times it is necessary to change plans. All changes related to the permit must be discussed in advance with your own planner. If necessary, they may ask the permit authority for instructions.
A change permit is required, for example, if:
- the permit must be substantially amended
- change affects the status of neighbours
- change affects the size of the building, the areas set out in the permit or other feature information
- there are several items requiring change, the change matter requires surveys or requests for statements
- processing deviations from permits or regulations
A change permit is applied for in the Lupapiste service.
Minor changes to permit drawings can be treated as a so-called RAM change (change during construction, rakennustyönaikainen muutos, RAM). This requires that the conditions for a change permit are not met. Changes during construction must be discussed in advance with your own planner. If necessary, they may ask the permit authority for instructions.
Extension permit
The permit decision states the period of validity for the permit. Work in accordance with the building permit must be started within three years and completed within five years of the permit becoming valid. Otherwise, the permit will expire.
The extension period is applied for through the Lupapiste service.
Projects implemented without building permits
Some of the measures do not require building permits or official supervision. Even if the implementation of the action does not require a permit, the construction must be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. The laws and regulations are valid even if the authorities do not require permits. If you are not sure whether your project needs a permit, please contact building control.
The following minor actions have been exempted from applying for an action permit on the basis of the building order of the City of Kuopio:
Fencing, structures
- Construction of a fence, canopy or shelter with a maximum size of 20 m² for waste collection, when the structure is located in a construction area and does not require fire compartmentation. A waste shelter with a size of less than 3 m² may be placed outside the construction area without a permit.
- Construction of a fence against a street, park or other similar public area, when the fence with retaining walls is no more than 1.2 metres high against the street and no more than 1.6 meters high against the park and other areas. The fence and retaining wall with foundations must be built entirely on the side of the plot.
- Construction of a fence between plots where the fence and its walls are no more than 1.2 metres high and the owner or holder of the neighbouring plot consents to their construction and to the construction of the plot’s internal fences and supporting walls.
Air and geothermal heating
- In a city plan area, placing an air heat pump in a building, structure or yard when they are not located on a street facade or against a neighbour.
- Drilling a geothermal well or installing a heat collection pipeline, when the action is not located in a city plan area, an action decision area, a construction ban area, a groundwater area, a catchment area for water supply aquifers, a water area, or the area of the construction site is not less than 5,000 m².
Solar panels and collectors
- In a city plan area, placing a solar panel and a collector in a building, structure or yard when they are not located on a street facade or against a neighbour.
- if their surface area is smaller than 10 m² or they are installed parallel to the roof.
- Placing the solar panel and collector outside the city plan area.
Balcony and terrace glazing
- Glazing of the apartment’s balcony and terrace (opening more than 50%), when the action does not require fire compartmentation.
Advertising action
- Installation of a loose-letter advertisement device or image with a height of less than 500 mm on the outside or on the front of the building.
- Construction of park transformers outside the city plan area.
Exterior changes
- Change of the facades of small residential houses and their outbuildings
- Change in the colour or material of roofs of single-family houses and their outbuildings.
- A permit is required for the aforementioned sites if the construction site or environment is protected or marked for preservation or if they are located in a provincially significant area or RKY area.
Outdoor structures
- Construction of a courtyard structure with a maximum size of 20 m² on a plot or building site of a small residential house. Only one garden structure built on the basis of this regulation may be found in the city plan area at a time.
Building demolition
In order to demolish a building, a permit is required in the city plan area and in the master plan area, if the master plan so stipulates. In addition, a permit is required if the building can be considered historically or architecturally valuable. The permit is not required for the demolition of an outbuilding or a small building. The demolition of such a building is handled by means of a demolition notification.
- When do I need a demolition permit or notification?
As a rule, a demolition permit is required if the building to be demolished is:
- located in the city plan area
- located in an area where a building ban is in force in order to prepare a city plan
- located in the master plan area and the master plan regulation requires an application for a demolition permit
- an outbuilding or a small building, if the building can be regarded having historical or architectural value.
However, for other buildings, a demolition notification must be submitted.
A demolition permit or notification need not be applied for separately if the demolition has been processed in a valid building permit.
Consultation request
If you are wondering whether your project needs a permit or if you have any documents on the basis of which you would like to discuss with the permit authority, you can submit a consultation request through the Lupapiste service. In smaller matters, you can also call us directly.
Building demolition
In order to demolish a building, a permit is required in the city plan area and in the master plan area, if the master plan so stipulates. In addition, a permit is required if the building can be considered historically or architecturally valuable. The permit is not required for the demolition of an outbuilding or a small building. The demolition of such a building is handled by means of a demolition notification.
As a rule, a demolition permit is required if the building to be demolished is:
- located in the city plan area
- located in an area where a building ban is in force in order to prepare a city plan
- located in the master plan area and the master plan regulation requires an application for a demolition permit
- an outbuilding or a small building, if the building can be regarded having historical or architectural value.
However, for other buildings, a demolition notification must be submitted.
A demolition permit or notification need not be applied for separately if the demolition has been processed in a valid building permit.
Consultation request
If you are wondering whether your project needs a permit or if you have any documents on the basis of which you would like to discuss with the permit authority, you can submit a consultation request through the Lupapiste service. In smaller matters, you can also call us directly.
Submit a consultation request via Lupapiste!
Regional building control services in Kuopio
PO Box 1097, 70111 Kuopio
Mon–Thu 8:00–15:30, Fri 8:00–14:00
Customer service:+358 17 185 174