Archived building permits

After the completion of a building project and the final inspection, the project documents will be transferred to an archive. Key documents are archived with the permit in accordance with the information control plan. Such documents include, for example, the permit decision, all master drawings (station drawing, floor plans, facade and section drawings), inspection reports, etc.
After the final inspection, you will still be able to view your project in the service, but you will no longer be able to edit or add files. Once the project has been completed, we recommend that you take copies of the required Lupapiste documents. Building permits are archived electronically.
Permits granted before 2018 are archived in paper form.
If the project is still in progress and the final inspection has not been held, you can ask for permit documents by sending an e-mail to rakennusvalvonta(at)
If the final inspection of the project has been held, you can order the archived documents for viewing from the city archives. You can order the documents via the link provided below: Ordering documents from the building control services’ material storage
You can also purchase the archived permit documents for permits granted after 2015 from the Lupapiste Kauppa service (in Finnish).
Starting from the beginning of 2018, building permits are processed and archive electronically. You can find the documents of your project in the Lupapiste service. If you do not have rights to your project at Lupapiste for some reason, ask the head planner of the project to add you to the project.
You can also purchase archived permit documents from the Lupapiste Kauppa service (in Finnish).
Lupapiste Kauppa
You can purchase public building permit documents for projects from the Lupapiste Kauppa service. Not all building permits have been digitised, and the majority of the permits can only be found as paper versions in the city archives. However, efforts have been made to produce digital material from the most important areas and it will be constantly added to the shop. Material is available in the shop as follows:
- All permit documents for districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (whole city centre grid area)
- All permit decisions and master drawings from 2015 onwards (the year the building permit was granted)
- Final inspection records of the above-mentioned permits, if the final inspection has been held
- Archived documents of permits applied for through Lupapiste
Get documents from Lupapiste Kauppa!
Document orders from the city archives
You can also order all archived building permit documents for viewing or copying through the city archive. You can also order building permit material for associations from the city archives. Orders for the material should be placed using an electronic form, on the basis of which you will be contacted when the material is ready for viewing.
Ordering documents from the building control services’ material storage