Welcome to Kuopio -event

For all newcomers in Kuopio – held in English!

In Welcome to Kuopio event we will showcase different services for international newcomers in Kuopio to support integration and feeling welcome in a new city. In the event you have the opportunity to get to know the service providers and network.

The event is held twice a year, once in the spring and once in the autum. Next time the event will be held in autumn 2025. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile you can request a copy of Newcomers’ Guide to Kuopio – a comprehensive free guide to all things necessary to start your life in Kuopio. Get your free guide by requesting it from the e-form below. The guide is automatically sent to your email.

Get your free Newcomers’ Guide to Kuopio – here!
E-form for Newcomers' Guide to Kuopio

Remeber to follow us on social media to stay up to date!
You can find us from Instagram and from Facebook under the handle @KuopioInternational