Work ability and wellbeing

Services for all Kuopio residents
If you have financial worries, it pays to address the issue head-on. It is a good idea to immediately ask for support if you feel concerned about your or a loved one’s finances. Financial and debt counselling services are open to everyone.
Financial and debt counselling can help you whenever you feel concerned about your personal finances. You can receive advice on all kinds of everyday financial matters, such as planning your spending and keeping to a budget.
You can get in touch with financial and debt counselling even if you have little to no debt.
Financial and debt counselling can also provide assistance if you are already in debt. For example, financial and debt counselling can help you
- assess your financial situation,
- weigh the options available to you, and
- draw up payment agreements.
More information on financial and debt counselling.
Contact information:
+358 29 566 1048 -
Culture House Luode offers all Kuopio residents over the age of 18 peer-guided creative groups and projects as well as peer counsellor training. You do not need to register for the groups in advance, and their activities are free of charge to all participants.
More information:
Culture House Luode -
Kuopio Mental Health Support is a mental health organisation that operates in North Savo and offers versatile peer support activities to all adults, to support their mental wellbeing. Kuopio Mental Health Support maintains the Hyvän Mielen Talo (House of Good Mental Health) in Kuopio and the KIMARA service point in Kaavi.
Participation in Kuopio Mental Health Support’s activities and events provides activating and refreshing experiences, insights, and learning opportunities. The people involved in its activities have turned their problems into resources and provide peer support to others.
Contact information and additional information:
Kuopion Mielenterveyden Tuki ry -
Hyvä Mieli ry is a member organisation of MIELI Mental Health Finland, and operates as a service developer, producer, and expert organisation in the North Savo region. Hyvä Mieli ry maintains the Kuopio Crisis Centre. Its activities are funded by the Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA) and the City of Kuopio. The organisation provides support and assistance in crisis situations, develops different forms of action that support and safeguard mental health, and trains volunteer phone and online helpers.
The service is open to everyone.
Contact information and additional information:
Appointments can be reserved by phone Mon–Thu, 8:00–10:00.
tel. +358 17 262 7733
Kallanranta 9 (entrance on Sepänkatu 1)
70100 KuopioOnline reservations are available 24/7
Services for clients of the local government pilot
As a client of the local government pilot in Kuopio, you have access to a wide range of
services to determine your capabilities and the obstacles to your employment.
What is the Työllistymistä edistävä monialainen yhteispalvelu, TYP (Multidisciplinary joint service promoting employment)?
The TYP service refers to a cooperation model in which the TE Office, the wellbeing services county, and Kela jointly assess, plan and assume responsibility for the progress and monitoring of a client’s employment process.
How can I become a TYP client?
An expert from the TE Office, wellbeing services county or Kela can assess the need for a TYP service when you:
- have received labour market support for your unemployment for at least 300 days
- turn 25 and have been continuously unemployed for 12 months
- are under the age of 25 and have been continuously unemployed for 6 months
If the client service situation shows that promoting your employment requires the coordination of the services and processes of the TE Office, wellbeing services county and Kela, you can be referred a TYP service.
For more information, visit the website of the TE Office of North Savo (available in Finnish).
Clients of the local government pilot:
Your personal coach can help you with any TYP service-related questions. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal: Oma asiointi.
The Opening a Path project’s coaching supports unemployed jobseekers who want to secure or find a job or place of study.
The coaching includes:
- A strength and competence assessment
- The development of study and employment capabilities
- Strengthening digital skills to support educational or working life paths
- Finding training, apprenticeship, work try-out, and pay subsidy locations
- Finding jobs in the open labour market
The coaching also includes certificate card training, for example in first aid, occupational safety, and food hygiene. Remote coaching is also available.
As a client of the local government pilot, you may also be entitled to rehabilitation organised by Kela. Kela organises rehabilitation for people of all ages and secures their income during the rehabilitation. Kela’s rehabilitation can help you cope with an illness, continue working, or return to working life.
Read more about Kela’s rehabilitation options on Kela’s website.
Clients of the local government pilot:
Your personal coach can help you with any questions related to Kela’s rehabilitation services. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal: Oma asiointi.
Clients of the local government pilot
Your personal coach can help you with any service-related questions. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal.