Support for the job-seeking process

Boost your job search
Services for clients of the local government pilot
The pay subsidy is a discretionary benefit that the TE Office and municipality participating in the local government pilot on employment can grant for the salary costs of an unemployed jobseeker who is their client.
The purpose of the subsidy is to promote a jobseeker’s employment in the open labour market when they lack vocational skills or have a disability or illness that affects their ability to handle certain work tasks. Even if the pay subsidy is granted and paid to the employer, the granting of the subsidy is always based on the service needs of the unemployed jobseeker.
Read more about the pay subsidy.
Clients of the local government pilot:
Your personal coach can help you with any questions related to the coaching. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal: Oma asiointi.
The City of Kuopio offers fixed-term pay subsidy positions for unemployed jobseekers. The aim is to promote and develop the competence of unemployed jobseekers and to participate in securing the availability of skilled labour.
Typical positions include museum assistant, group assistant at a day care centre, and caretaker. Working hours are 85% of full-time work with a KVTES-compliant salary, duration of employment 6–8 months. Pay-subsidised apprenticeships are also possible in sectors that employ well.
Further information:
Hanna Kepponen
+358 44 718 3062
hanna.kepponen(at) -
As a client of the TE Office/local government pilot, you can familiarise yourself with working life through a work try-out and get to know more about your vocational choices and career options. You can also participate in a work try-out to support your return to working life after a long absence.
Your work try-out may be related to a field that you are interested in, but you can also participate in the try-out even if you are not sure of your future field. In this case, the work try-out can be organised at e.g. a workshop, where you can try different types of tasks.
Read more about work try-outs.
Clients of the local government pilot:
Your personal coach can help you with any questions related to the coaching. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal: Oma asiointi.
Coaching for clients of the local government pilot (Links coming)
Job search coaching is a good option when you want to improve and update your job-seeking skills. Check out your coaching options below. We offer job search coaching both for groups and individuals.
The job coaching is available to clients of the TE Office and the local government pilot.
- Yhdistetty työnhaku- ja uravalmennus pienryhmissä (Combined job search and career coaching in small groups), Anakom Oy
Registration via the event calendar
Clients of the local government pilot:
Your personal coach can help you with any questions related to the coaching. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal: Oma asiointi.
In job coaching, you will receive individual coaching and support for transitioning to the labour market and considering your alternatives when your basic job search skills are already in good condition.
With your coach’s guidance, you can highlight your skills and strengths in the labour market. Once you have found a suitable job, your coach can help you get started at the workplace.
The job coaching is intended for clients of the TE Office and the local government pilot.
More information:
Registration via the event calendar
Clients of the local government pilot:
Your personal coach can help you with any questions related to the coaching. You can contact your personal coach through the contact request form in the TE Services’ Oma asiointi (My e-Services) portal -> Oma asiointi.