Entrepreneurship and self-employment

Are you interested in working on your own terms? Do you want to know more about the different forms of entrepreneurship, such as light entrepreneurship, or what kind of coaching or brainstorming help you can get?

Yrittäjyyden Olohuone (Entrepreneurship Living Room)

Yrittäjyyden Olohuone is an open, relaxed low-threshold meeting place for everyone. You don’t need to have a ready-made business idea – just genuine enthusiasm and curiosity!

On site you can meet the employment service’s business coordinator and on separate theme days also the experts of our network’s different entrepreneurship services.

From 15.8.24 Hanna Tuhkio from the new business center of the Kuopio region will be also present. Free entrepreneurship counseling at a low threshold is available.

Every other thursday (odd weeks) from 13 to 15 o’clock, without an appointment.
Otherwise by appointment.

Asemakatu 7, Kuopio 

Book a time for entrepreneur coaching

Hely Ko­r­ven­taus­ta

Entrepreneuship Coordinator

Education and training 

Are you thinking about light entrepreneurship?
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