Employment Service
Get to know our versatile services for the unemployed, employers, service providers, and immigrants. Navigaattori (Torikatu 5) serves all Kuopio residents regardless of their employment situation.
Entrepreneurship and self-employment
Mietityttääkö yrittäjyys, tai oletko kenties jo yrittäjä, mutta tarvitsisit lisätukea yrittäjyyden taipaleelle?
For employers
Kuopion kaupungin työllisyyspalvelusta saat yhden luukun periaatteella yksilöllisen tuen rekrytointiin ja erilaisten tukimahdollisuuksien kartoittamiseen.
For jobseekers
Do you need support and encouragement in your job search, finding a job, or information on different employment opportunities?
For service providers
Is your company interested in recruiting employees or guiding and coaching jobseekers? Look no further than the City of Kuopio’s Employment Service!
International House Kuopio
International House Kuopio provides official and advisory services for international newcomers and companies interested in recruiting skilled personnel.
TyöNavigaattori is where the residents of Kuopio can seek expert assistance in finding suitable educational and career options.
Ohjaamo for young people
Calling all people under the age of 30! If you don't know where to start, start at Ohjaamo!