Private early childhood education and care

Pinkkihupparinen tyttö metsässä nuuhkii luonnonkukista poimittua kukkakimppua.

In Kuopio, private early childhood education and care is provided by private day-care centres and family day carers. To apply for a place in private early childhood education and care, contact the private day-care centre or family day carer directly. The contact information of private family daycare providers at the bottom of the page.

A family may be entitled to either a service voucher from the City of Kuopio or private day care allowance from Kela  for private early childhood education and care.

The service voucher is granted as support for using private education and care services. Children living in Kuopio who are entitled to early childhood education and care and have been granted a place by a private day care centre or family day care provider have a right to a service voucher. The service voucher is paid directly to the service provider. The maximum value of the service voucher of the city of Kuopio in a private daycare center is 1584 € for a child under 3 years old and 978 € for a child over 3 years old. The maximum value of a private family daycare service voucher is 843 €.

Private family daycare providers (pdf) Private day-care centres (pdf)