Family day care

Family day care is home-like early childhood education and care in small groups in which homely comfort, lack of rushing and play are emphasised.
More information about family day care:
Centralised service guidance service
tel: 044 718 7070
calls are taken:
Mondays and Tuesdays between 9:00 and 11:30
Wednesdays between 12:00 and 15:00
Family day care provided in the carer’s home
A family day carer working in their home can simultaneously care for at most four under school-age children, including their own, and additionally one pre-primary education or basic education pupil who needs part-time care. In a home group, two carers may care for at most eight children at the same time.
When a carer is unable to work in their home, the child’s backup care is organised either in a day-care centre, a backup care place or in the home of another carer.
Backup care places:
- Pirtti-Saaristo:
Uppo-Nalle Day-care Centre, Lorutaskut-ryhmä, Isännäntie 22, tel. 044 718 1316 - Puistokaupunki-Petonen:
Petosenmutka Day-care Centre, Vesiviikarit-ryhmä, Teerentie 1, tel. 044 718 1350 - Jynkkä, Hiltulanlahti and Kurkimäki:
Rauhalahti Day-care Centre, Punainen maja- ryhmä, Kiiskenkuja 1, tel. 044 718 6062 - Rytky and Kaislastenlahti:
Von Wright Day-care Centre, Nallekarhut-ryhmä, Annikki-veturin tie 3, tel. 044 718 5823 - Keskusta, Haapaniemi, Kelloniemi:
Mustinlampi Day-care Centre, Hannes Kolehmaisen katu 25, tel.. 044 718 4787 - Puijonlaakso-Päiväranta:
Puijonlaakso Day-care Centre,, Sammakkolammentie 16, Tuliketut tel. 044 718 3371, Leppäkertut tel.. 044 718 7325 - Maaninka:
Käärmelahti Day-care Centre, Väänälänrannantie 1332, tel. Pikkupöllöt 044 748 8444/ Pajupeipot 044 748 8442
Maaninka Day-care Centre/Versot, Maaningantie 49 C, tel. 044 748 8279 - Melalahti:
Melalahti Day-care Centre, Koulutie 6, tel. 044 718 4358,
Vehkarit /Vehkalammin School, Vehkalammentie 4, tel. 044 718 7944 - Nilsiä:
Nilsiä Day-care Centre/Kirsikkalaakso, Syvärintie 33, tel. 044 748 256
Pajulahden päiväkoti, Kortteisenmäentie 33, tel. 044 748 2582 - Juankoski:
Muuruvesi Day-care Centre, Oppipolku 7, tel. 044 718 4358
- Pirtti-Saaristo:
The closest supervisor of a family day carer is the family day care supervisor/head of day-care centre for the area.
Nilsiä, Kortejoki
Salla Miettunen
Head of Pajulahti Day-care Centre
044 748 2580Pirtti-Saaristo, City centre, Puijonlaakso-Päiväranta, Hiltulanlahti
Eija Penttinen
Family Day Care Supervisor
044 718 3777Puistokaupunki, Jynkkä, Southern rural area, Maaninka
Pirjo Similä
Family Day Care Supervisor
044 718 4013E-mail address format is