
Koululaiset oppimassa tietokoneella.

Wilma is the www interface of the school’s administrative system. Pupils can select courses, monitor their attainments, read notices and communicate with teachers on Wilma. Teachers use Wilma to record assessments and absences in the system, update personal data and communicate with pupils and guardians. Guardians can monitor and explain the pupil’s absences, communicate with teachers and read school notices on Wilma. The personnel and management of the educational institution also use Wilma.

It is important for the guardian to keep their Wilma credentials safe throughout the time the pupil attends basic education, as Wilma is used as a means of communication in the cooperation between the home and the school. Basic education communicates using Wilma notices. You can find them on the Tiedotteet (Notices) tab on Wilma homepage. Go to Wilma’s notices settings to select when and how you would like to be informed of new Wilma messages and notices. In crisis communication, text messages and/or e-mails are used. The guardian’s Wilma credentials are personal and intended for the guardian only.


City of Kuopio’s Wilma system

Instructions on how to create a Wilma account as a guardian are available at Wilma account (inschool.fi)

Did you forget your password?

Guardian, did you forget your password? Go to https://kuopio.inschool.fi and change your password at ‘Forgot your password?’. If you cannot change your password or if you have problems using Wilma, contact the school secretary.

Instruction videos / in Finnish

Instruction videos / in Arabic

Instruction videos / in Russian