Comprehensive schools in Kuopio

Catchment areas
Click on the link to see the catchment areas of basic education schools. Select Aineistot (Resources) > Aluejaot (Area divisions) > Oppilaaksiottoalueet, alakoulut (Catchment areas, lower comprehensive schools) or Oppilaaksiottoalueet, yläkoulut (Catchment areas, higher comprehensive schools). Use the Search function (Haku) to find a school based on your address.
If the guardian does not know which the local school based on their address is, they can contact the principal of the nearest school to check. The school’s e-mail address is in the format schoolname(at) You can also contact the Basic Education Support Services to ask about the local school based on your address: Eila Kumpulainen, Coordinator, eila.anneli.kumpulainen(at), +358 44 718 4001.
- Aurinkorinne School
- Haapaniemi School
- Hiltulanlahti School
- Juantehdas School
- Jynkkä School
- Kalevala School
- Kettula School
- Kurkimäki School
- Käärmelahti School
- Länsi-Puijo School
- Martti Ahtisaari School
- Muuruvesi School
- Pajulahti School
- Palonurmi School
- Pihkainmäki School
- Pirtti School
- Pulkonkoski School
- Rajala School
- Snellman School and Niirala Unit
- Särkiniemi School
- Vehmasmäki School
- Von Wright School