Väinölänniemi tennis court area
Väinölänniemi tennis courts
The Väinölänniemi tennis court area includes 6 courts with a synthetic surface material. Locker rooms and toilets are available near the courts. The kiosk café located at the Väinölänniemi public beach is also close.
Booking the courts
The courts are closed for the winter season.
You can book individua slots on weekdays at 8:00-20:00 o’clock
and on weekends between 9:00 and 18:00 at the control room
or by telephone at: +358 (0)44 718 1583.
Up-to-date booking calendar
You can browse open/booked slots in the calendar, but cannot register or book the field in the system.
If you would like to book a weekly slot, you must contact the facility booking services:
Facility booking services
+358 (0)17 182 550
Contact information
Street address: Väinölänniemi 26
Post code: 70100
Post office: Kuopio
District: Väinölänniemi
Email: hyvinvointi@kuopio.fi
Phone: 017 182 111
Additional information
Lisätieto: Kenttien läheisyydessä sijaitsevat pelaajille pukukopit, wc:t, kesäaikaan auki oleva kioskikahvio sekä uimaranta.
Pinta-ala m2: 3350㎡
Pintamateriaali sulana: Tiilimurska
Yleisö-wc: Yes
Kenttien lkm: 6