Contact information

Street address: Rajalantie

Post code: 70200

Post office: Kuopio


Phone: 017 182 550

Rajala air-raid shelter golf training facility

Golf training facility in the Rajala air-raid shelter

The golf training facility is located in the Rajala aid-raid shelter. The shelter also has a gym. You need separate passes to access the gym and the golf training facility.


Season’s passes for the golf training facility

  • adults € 36.00 (does not entitle holder to access the gym)
  • under 18 year olds, € 18.70 (does not entitle holder to access the gym)


The season’s pass is downloaded on the Liikkuva Kuopio-bracelet, which you can redeem at the customer service desk of the Kuopio Hall, Kuntolaakso swimming pool or Lippumäki swimming pool. The first time you purchase the bracelet, you must pay a card fee of € 7.90 (the money will not be paid back to you).

The season’s pass is valid since the date of purchase.

The card reader is in a box next to the door.

Contact information

Street address: Rajalantie

Post code: 70200

Post office: Kuopio


Phone: 017 182 550