Contact information

Street address: Purtosaari

Post code: 71150

Post office: Vartiala

Puurtosaari fishing hut

The shipping channel leading to Muuruvesi (Tahko boating route) runs south of Purtosaari. The island is quite large and on its southwestern shore there is a fishing hut and a separate campfire site. There is a firewood supply at the site. The island’s shores are deep throughout, so there are several places on the island suitable for landing. There are a few stern buoys for mooring boats and mooring beams on the cliff Mooring: buoys, mooring beams

Equipment: wilderness hut, campfire site, firewood, waste disposal point, toilet, buoy places, information board

Puurtosaari fishing hut (

Contact information

Street address: Purtosaari

Post code: 71150

Post office: Vartiala