
Pisa is a high, tree-covered hill at the southern end of Lake Syväri in Nilsiä. Its highest peak rises approximately 270 metres above sea level and about 170 metres above the surface level of the adjacent lakes. The slopes of the hill are extremely steep on all sides, and individual cliffs are between 5 and 15 metres high.
Pisa is a nationally valuable landscape area. The area mainly consists of natural forest, with some treated forests especially to the west of the Iso Pisanlampi pond.
Main attractions include the boundary stone of the Treaty of Teusina near the viewing tower, bearing the incised marks of the Swedish and Russian representatives, and the small Pirunkellari cave on the northern ridge, which has inspired numerous folk stories and beliefs.
Pisa is a Metsähallitus site and an ideal destination for a day trip. There are approximately 8.5 km of waymarked trails. The trails are demanding, but the climb to the top of the hill has been made easier by installing stairs, railings, and resting platforms. The view from the tower is well worth the effort.
You can start the trail leading to the top of the hill from the Lastukoski and Salmenpelto parking areas. The trails are waymarked with orange paint. Building campfires is not allowed in the conservation area, but there is a table and benches next to the viewing tower for hikers to use to enjoy their packed lunches.
Hikers are also welcome to use the Lastukoski campfire hut built by the village association located on the shore of lake Vuotjärvi (Lastukoskentie 47).
Contact information
Street address: Lastukoski
Post code: 70100
District: nilsiä
Email: maaomaisuudenhallintapalvelut@kuopio.fi
Phone: 800918511