Contact information

Street address: Matintie 18

Post code: 73300

Post office: Nilsiä


Phone: 017 182 111

Additional information

Pinta-ala m2: 85.8㎡

Kuntoilulaitteet lkm: 14

Painonnostopaikat lkm: 1

Nilsiä Sport Hall gym

Nilsiä gym

Nilsiä gym is located in the Nilsiä Sport Hall.
The gym has a joined locker room/shower facility for men and women.

Opening hours

Mon to Fri 7.00 – 22.00 o’clock
Entry with personal electric key.


Annual price for season’s pass € 68.50 (incl. VAT 14%).
The season’s pass is valid since the date of purchase.
When you purchase the season’s pass, you must also pay a € 17.70 key deposit, which you will get back when you return the key. A fee of € 20 is charged for a missing key.

Everyone visiting the facilities must have a valid annual pass!

Redeem a season’s pass and keys to the gyms

Nilsiä customer service desk
Ukko-Paavontie 15
+358 (0)17 482 220

Opening hours:
No visiting business on Mondays
Tue to Wed at 8–11 and 12-15 o’clock
No visiting business on Thursdays
Fri at 8–11 and 12-14 o’clock

Other use

If a larger group comes to use the gym temporarily, they cannot book the gym in advance, but they can provide information about using the gym 7 days in advance by displaying a large sign at the gym, e.g. “Winter Sports Academy physical tests at the gym at xx:xx, participated by around 30 athletes”. In this case, private users are suggested to use the gym outside of these hours.

Contact information

Facility maintenance (repair) Servica tel. +358 (0)44 426 1808
Institutional cleaning (cleaning services) Servica tel. +358 (0)44 426 1816
Sports instructor, City of Kuopio tel. +358 (0)44 748 8228

Contact information

Street address: Matintie 18

Post code: 73300

Post office: Nilsiä


Phone: 017 182 111

Additional information

Pinta-ala m2: 85.8㎡

Kuntoilulaitteet lkm: 14

Painonnostopaikat lkm: 1