Maaninka Sport Hall
Maaninka Sport Hall
- Maaninka Sport Hall is suitable for diverse sports and exercise activities as well as for events.
- size: 790m2, can be divided into two segments, height 7m
- volleyball, floorball, gymnastics, indoor baseball training set
- floorball rink
- bleachers
The sport hall also includes a gym.
You can use the Timmi calendar to browse bookings and register as a user and search the system for free slots (displayed as white). Instructions on registration and booking slots with the Timmi system.
Shooting range
- in the downstairs of the building, also for firearms
- the Maaninka hunting and shooting club is responsible for supervising the range
- can seat around 70 customers
Contact information
Street address: Maaningantie 49
Post code: 71750
Post office: Maaninka
Phone: 017182550
Additional information
Salibandykentät lkm: 1
Kentän pituus m: 36m
Koripallokentät lkm: 1
Pintamateriaali sulana: Muovi / synteettinen
Sulkapallokentät lkm: 1
Kentän leveys m: 22m
Pintamateriaali lisätieto: Taraflex
Lisätieto: Saliin parhaiten soveltuvat lajit: lentoapallo, salibandy, jumppa, sulkapallo ja pesäpallo. Salissa kaksi lohkoa, salibandykaukalo, pesäpallon lyöntiverkko ja katsomo.
Ottelukello: Yes
Lentopallokentät lkm: 2
Tilan korkeus m: 7m
Pinta-ala m2: 790㎡